A message for Catholic media: Don't let print die

The Catholic Church has a story to tell. And it is a story worth telling in print.

The positive side of solitude

Most people do not like to be alone. But why?

Father Koch: The Ascension of Jesus calls the Church to mission

While here in the Diocese of Trenton we are unaccustomed to celebrating the Solemnity of the Ascension on a Sunday, it is fairly normative throughout much of the country and even the world.

Reflecting a spirit of unity

In any crisis throughout our nation’s history, people have pulled together in a spirit of community to see one another through difficult times.

Innate creativity, beauty brought to the fore as people cope with quarantine

It started with the Italians whose arias rose from the balconies.

Coronavirus gives newlyweds opportunity to focus on Sacrament

"I finally understand why he compares heaven to a wedding feast," ...

Leaving peace behind as our farewell gift

There is such a thing as a good death, a clean one, a death that, however sad, leaves behind a sense of peace. 

What a difference a month can make

Looking back to late March, when our team was working on a special magazine edition on COVID-19, it would be safe to say that we didn’t really know what was to come.

Father Koch: Love is a radical Commandment

Jesus places following him and obeying his Commandments within the context of love.

Acts of bravery are the pandemic's grace notes

In this time of pandemic, we have come to recognize how widespread bravery is, ...

Unique times for a really unique person: Mom

The pandemic ... cannot, absolutely must not, take the spotlight from: Mother's Day!

Father Koch: Jesus shows us the face of God

During this Easter Season, the Lord continues to speak words of comfort and consolation to his disciples and also to us. 

Don't bottle up emotions

Have you had a good cry lately?

Jonah’s story is a lesson in God’s mercy and forgiveness

I’ve always been fascinated by the story of Jonah and the Whale.

Reflecting on the loyalty of St. Joseph

On May 1, we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, who serves as one of the most inspirational models of loyalty in all human history.

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