New 'Directory for Catechesis': A timely invitation to catechetical renewal

The long-awaited "Directory for Catechesis" from the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization arrives at a most timely moment ...

Rediscover the miraculous

It seems like just about every community in the world has undergone some form of quarantine ...

Father Koch: The Lord sets up oases in the midst of a hostile world

On Dec. 20, 2015, Salah Farah was in a bus heading for Mandera, a town in northern Kenya. 

Living off the labor of others

One of my daily rituals during the pandemic has been to take a walk in my neighborhood. 

After protests, work for racial justice

I grew up in farm country where community was maintained by certain customs.

Rediscover the miraculous

It seems like just about every community in the world has undergone some form of quarantine over the past months. 

Father Koch: Christ Is truly present with us

Over the past three months, Catholics throughout the world were largely deprived of the privilege of sharing in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. 

Some advice on prayer from an old master

At the risk of being simplistic, I want to say something about prayer in a very simple way.

How faith grows in quarantine

Families have never been closer. Families have never been farther apart.

Father Koch: To understand the Trinity is to encounter the Triune God

For many of us, no dogma of the faith is more challenging to explain to a non-believer than is the...

99-year-old Catholic beats coronavirus, inspiring legions

"Rock star." That was how the nurses and physicians in Stony Brook Hospital in New York described 99-year-old Ann Giardano. 

Doing our part to care for our common home

Maybe you've read about people, who during our time of pandemic isolation, ...

Father Koch: Pentecost calls the Church to martyrdom

Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, was a moment of complete transformation not for them only but for the entire world. 

At the heart of faithful friendship

I grew up in a close family and, one of hardest things I ever did was to leave home and family at the age of 17 ...

We are embodied creatures, and part of Christ's Mystical Body

Recent events have shifted a lot more attention to our bodies. Temperature checks, masks and compulsive hand-washing have reminded us that we are biological creatures subject to the laws of nature. It all feels a bit heavy (and not just because of all the quarantine weight gain!).

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