Father Koch: Wisdom is needed to enter the Kingdom

While the old adage claims that wisdom comes with age, the greater truth is ...

Exploring what it means to have dignity

The movie “Million Dollar Baby” tells the story of a young woman who becomes a professional boxer. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act and our new normal

July 26, 2020, marks the 30th year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A milestone in societal development, the ADA provided the basis of secular guidelines, incentives and mandates for making the worlds of work, life and education accessible for persons with disabilities of all types.

Freedom at its best

Mandating face masks is unconstitutional and an affront to my freedom.

Learning to love as God loves

In the Beatitudes, Christ taught the disciples, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, ..."

Father Koch: God alone has the long view of our lives

One of the greatest obstacles in ministry on any level is ... 

Finding reason to sing in the midst of despair

Many years ago, I visited an old graveyard dating back to the time of the Civil War. 

Losing track of days during COVID-19

It was the Friday before the July Fourth holiday, and I said to my husband, "It's seemed like Saturday all day today."

Exploring things beneath the surface

Imagine this. You are the dutiful daughter or son and your mother is widowed and living in an assisted living facility.

Smiling behind your mask

There is great irony in the twists and turns of our journey through COVID-19. 

A habit to break: 'Doomscrolling'

A June 25 WIRED magazine article described a new and dangerous habit that has become part of popular technology practices.

Praying when we don’t know how

"He taught us how to pray while not knowing how to pray.”

Teach us to fight racism

The Catholic Church never taught me how to fight racism.

Learning how to saunter: the gifts of quarantine

Tonight I wrote two events on my calendar: a birthday party and a Baptism. 

Father Koch: Jesus frees us from the power of the Law

For many of the contemporaries of Jesus, the Law of Moses was seen as a burden. 

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