The need for sacred spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic

My son's pediatrician had one piece of advice at his nine-month checkup: baby-proof our home. 

Life lessons on hospitality

When my husband and I married, we had just completed a volunteer commitment with the Jesuit...

Father Koch: The Church always and everywhere proclaims Jesus Christ

In all, 266 men have served as Bishop of Rome since St. Peter arrived there in the middle of the first century.

Recognizing forgiveness as a gift

Katherine grew up thinking that forgiveness required the actions of two people: ...

Letting go of false fear

Recently in a radio interview, I was asked: “If you were on your deathbed, what would you want to leave behind as your parting words?”

Caught, not taught

The almost 3-year-old began to say the Hail Mary, complete with a little head bow at the name Jesus and...

Father Koch: The Lord seeks those who seek him first

For reasons unclear in the context of the Gospel, Jesus seems to be leaving the territory of Israel ...

The gift of wisdom is fit for a king, and the rest of us

I found much food for thought from a recent homily that contrasted King Midas and King Solomon.

Father Koch: God makes himself known to us in simple ways

At one point in life or another, God makes himself known to each and every person. 

Counting our blessings in the hard times

A reader recently wrote asking me for more uplifting and hopeful subjects for my columns.

Achieving peace of mind

Are everyday anxieties fraying your nerves? 

The growing edge of liturgical living

Have you heard of "liturgical living"? The catchphrase has gained popularity in recent years ...

On not locking our doors

As we know, there are many kinds of doors we lock and unlock to let others in and out.

Father Koch: The Lord shows us the example of complete service to those in need

The assassination of John the Baptist impact on Jesus' work and ministry.

Friendships help us discover Christ

In his book “The Four Loves,” C.S. Lewis observes that, for those who seek out Christian friendships, ...

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