Father Koch: Jesus alone is the Good Shepherd

Throughout history, the Church has endured some very turbulent times.

How to continue the Easter celebration at home

May is usually a month crammed with celebrations on our calendars. 

A spirit of unity during the pandemic

In any crisis throughout our nation’s history, people have pulled together in a spirit of community ...

In times of crisis, become godlike

My son had trouble graphing an equation for his algebra class ...  

Father Koch: We must walk with Jesus to Emmaus if we expect to encounter him in the Eucharist

We can wonder how it is that two of Jesus’ disciples managed to walk with him for several miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus and not recognize him. 

Is there an eighth Corporal Work of Mercy?

There are strange gifts wrapped in this terrible pandemic.

A time for the domestic Church to flourish

Family life holds a special place in the Catholic imagination.

Huge stones, locked doors and the Resurrection

Soren Kierkegaard once wrote that the Gospel he identified with is when the disciples locked themselves into an upper room ...

Reflecting on Jesus, the one who is to come

Are you the one who is to come? That plaintive question fills our hearts this Easter. 

Letter to my post-quarantine self

To my post-quarantine self:

Father Koch: The Body of Christ bares the wounds of the Crucifixion

Why does the resurrected Jesus, triumphant in all his glory, still bear in his Body the marks of the wounds of the Crucifixion?

How a former news anchor found guidance

The reality of Jesus’ Resurrection holds special significance for those who have recently lost a loved one and take comfort in the idea that they will someday be reunited again in heaven. 

What we ‘knead’ to know

In early March, I went to Sam's Club to stock up for the coming shelter-in-place order. 

Remembering that God’s ‘got the whole world in his hands’

My son slides onto the piano bench and starts to play. Decades ago, I sat at the same piano and plunked out the same tune. 

Father Koch: Jesus makes himself known in the emptiness to those who can see him

For many people it can be very difficult to find hope. We can get caught up in our own darkness, suffering, challenges and difficulties that a light at the end of the tunnel feels more like an on-coming train than a hope to chase after.

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