God's Word brings light to life's dark corners, Pope says at Mass

God's saving Word doesn't seek pristine and safe places to reside but instead goes in search of the dark corners of people's lives that it can brighten, Pope Francis said.

Father Koch: The disciples could respond to Jesus because they knew the Scriptures

The Gospel for this Sunday is the call of the first disciples. Jesus, as the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament, emerges from the desert proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father Koch: John the Baptist is the prophet of the Eucharist

On this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Gospel again draws us into liturgical language.

Father Koch: Through Baptism, we are called to intimacy with the Lord

While the Baptism of Jesus is unlike our own – though it prefigures our own Baptism – it is a necessary and natural consequence of the Incarnation.

Father Koch: Like the Magi, we seek the Lord in humble surroundings

The Magi coming from the East to give due homage and honor to the Messiah, the new-born King of the Jews, points us to the proper reverence due to God in our own life of faith.  

Father Koch: The plight of the Holy Family is reflected in millions of families today

Joseph took his family and fled into Egypt to escape persecution at the hands of Herod. 

Dec. 22 – The virginal conception of Jesus happened in time

An on-going debate among biblical scholars concerns the dating of the Gospels.

Father Koch: The Church remains Christ present in the world

We live at a time when the world is rife with the cult of personality.

Father Koch: John’s furor upsets the haughty

Much of the political debate in our country centers around areas of justice. 

Father Koch: Advent offers hope in the midst of uncertainty

As we begin a new Liturgical Year, we are struck with the clear apocalyptic message coming from Jesus.

FAITH ALIVE: Part 1: Your Advent game plan

"Stay awake." With this terse command, the Gospel of Matthew begins our season of Advent on Sunday, Dec. 1.

Father Koch: We spend too much time focused on the wrong kingdom

As we close out the Liturgical Year, we celebrate the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

FAITH ALIVE: Part 2: Culinary prayer gives praise to God for abundant gifts during Thanksgiving

When the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people gathered for what we now call the first Thanksgiving ...

Father Koch: Persecution is a hallmark of discipleship

Luke does not emphasize the apocalyptic teaching of Jesus very often. Luke is more focused on the disciple-in-the-world. 

FAITH ALIVE – Part 1: Thanksgiving – Gratitude for God's gifts in the face of trying times

This time a year ago in Southern California, a dozen people were killed and a dozen more injured in a horrific mass shooting ...

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