Father Koch: The Body of Christ bares the wounds of the Crucifixion

Why does the resurrected Jesus, triumphant in all his glory, still bear in his Body the marks of the wounds of the Crucifixion?

Faithful called to enter into spiritual communion

Though public Holy Week and Easter celebrations look different this year, the faithful are being urged to remember “that the underlying mysteries of our faith in the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection have not changed.”

Longing for Eucharist during Lent, Easter season an invitation to trust

In the midst of isolation when we are suffering … let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: He is risen and is living by our side.”  

Father Koch: Jesus makes himself known in the emptiness to those who can see him

For many people it can be very difficult to find hope. We can get caught up in our own darkness, suffering, challenges and difficulties that a light at the end of the tunnel feels more like an on-coming train than a hope to chase after.

Father Koch: Jesus makes himself known in the emptiness to those who can see him

For many people it can be very difficult to find hope. 

Question Corner: Funeral Mass if no burial?

I have a friend whose father-in-law died recently. The man wanted to be cremated. The family called the Church, and the pastor asked where the burial plot was located. When they said that they didn't have one, they were informed that there would not be a funeral Mass. So my question …

Father Koch: Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

Lazarus is dead. Jesus was in Galilee, a distance from Bethany, when word comes to him that Lazarus is ill.

Father Koch: A blind man’s new-found sight points us to the restoring power of Baptism

"The man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and told me, ‘Go to Siloam and wash.’”

Father Koch: Water is the source of all life in this world and the next

Water is more than the origin of life, it is the principal make-up of life as we know it.

Father Koch: Temptation to sin often grows from the desire to sin itself

As we begin the Lenten Season, we are drawn to focus on our on-going need for conversion.

Almsgiving: An overshadowed Lenten pillar has something to say

When it comes to the three pillars of Lent, almsgiving is a little bit like the middle child, not always getting the attention that prayer and fasting do.

Father Koch: The exercise of freedom in charity is a new teaching from Jesus

As we continue to read through the Sermon on the Mount, we hear Jesus offering deeper insight into the fuller understanding of the Mosaic Law. 

Father Koch: Jesus interprets, fulfills the Law for us

There are big picture people and there are small picture people.

Father Koch: A light hidden is no light at all

As last Sunday was the Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord we omitted the Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. 

Father Koch: The Light of the World pierces the darkness of sin

The midpoint of winter, 40 days after Christmas, the traditional end of the Christmas Season, is celebrated by many cultures in various ways and is one of the highpoints of the Liturgical Year.

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