Father Koch: We can easily say “yes,” but can we live that “yes”?

The parable that Jesus tells us this weekend about a man with two sons, ...

Father Koch: Justice is at the Core of Mosaic Law and the teaching of Jesus

Focusing on the Jewish character and traditions,...

Father Koch: Wisdom is needed to enter the Kingdom

While the old adage claims that wisdom comes with age, the greater truth is ...

Father Koch: All plants seek nourishment, even those on rocky soil

We have come through some of the most challenging times that this generation has ever known. 

Father Koch: The Lord sets up oases in the midst of a hostile world

On Dec. 20, 2015, Salah Farah was in a bus heading for Mandera, a town in northern Kenya. 

Father Koch: Jesus teaches his disciples that no secret knowledge is needed

As we return to Ordinary Time, we pick-up the context of an on-going sermon that Jesus is preaching to his disciples.

Father Koch: Christ Is truly present with us

Over the past three months, Catholics throughout the world were largely deprived of the privilege of sharing in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. 

Father Koch: To understand the Trinity is to encounter the Triune God

For many of us, no dogma of the faith is more challenging to explain to a non-believer than is the...

Father Koch: Pentecost calls the Church to martyrdom

Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, was a moment of complete transformation not for them only but for the entire world. 

Father Koch: The Ascension of Jesus calls the Church to mission

While here in the Diocese of Trenton we are unaccustomed to celebrating the Solemnity of the Ascension on a Sunday, it is fairly normative throughout much of the country and even the world.

Father Koch: Love is a radical Commandment

Jesus places following him and obeying his Commandments within the context of love.

Father Koch: Jesus shows us the face of God

During this Easter Season, the Lord continues to speak words of comfort and consolation to his disciples and also to us. 

Father Koch: Jesus alone is the Good Shepherd

Throughout history, the Church has endured some very turbulent times.

Father Koch: We must walk with Jesus to Emmaus if we expect to encounter him in the Eucharist

We can wonder how it is that two of Jesus’ disciples managed to walk with him for several miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus and not recognize him. 

What to do on Divine Mercy Sunday?

Are you discouraged that you will not be able to receive the special graces of Divine Mercy Sunday promised directly by our Lord through St. Faustina in the 1930s? Don’t be.

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