Father Koch: It’s all about eternal life

If you want to have an interesting conversation at a family gathering ask the question as about what heaven is like.

Father Koch: Like Zacchaeus, we cannot get stuck in a tree for very long

Our relationship with the Lord, although principally expressed and experienced in the context of a community, is still always uniquely personal.

Father Koch: We always are in need of God’s mercy

As a teacher, it didn’t take long to begin to see the intellectual and emotional processes of my students through their writing and classroom interaction.

Father Koch: Prayer must be constant and certain

Our Readings this weekend focus on the need to be consistent and constant in prayer.

Benedictine estimates 70 million-plus pages of manuscripts digitized

Benedictine Father Columba Stewart never imagined there would be 50 million pages of sacred manuscripts housed in the archives ...

Father Koch: We are called to offer thanksgiving to God every day

Upon arriving in the hospital room of a man who was dying, I met his wife and invited her to pray with me.

Father Koch: There is more to the life of faith than doing the very least

Judaism at the time of Jesus was focused on the observance of the Mosaic Law.

Readers' Prayer Circle -- October, 2019

Be part of the Readers’ Prayer Circle by remembering in prayer the special intentions requested by Monitor readers.

Father Koch: The life of ancient Israel mirrors our own

The prophet Amos stands as a precursor to some of the other great prophets of the same period, including Isaiah. 

FAITH ALIVE: Spiritual support on the road to recovery from addiction

Pope Francis referred to the Church as a "field hospital" when it comes to working with those in recovery from addiction.

Father Koch: Jesus offers a very difficult teaching on our place in the world

We are confronted this weekend with one of the most challenging and difficult to understand sections of the Gospels.

FAITH ALIVE: How parishes can support families of pregnancy and infant loss

As a mother, the Lord has asked me to do many difficult things. 

Sept. 15 – Forgiveness comes to us in many layers

Outside of the Nativity of Jesus, perhaps no section of Luke’s Gospel is more well-known than the 15th chapter ...

FAITH ALIVE: Our guardian angels

There are moments in my life I don't understand.

Father Koch: Be wary of those who interfere with our discipleship

Jesus warned his disciples about what to expect, though they find it very challenging to understand.

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