Free to marry? Scolding from pulpit

Q. I was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church. When I was younger, I served ...

Remain a Catholic? Holy Communion with Alzheimer's disease?

Q. How, in good conscience, can I remain a practicing Catholic with all the scandal and ...

Divorce and Communion

Q. If a Catholic gets married by a priest, later gets divorced, then gets married by a judge ...

Burial in national cemetery? Holy Communion without Mass?

Q. I can't seem to find the answer to the following question: Is it acceptable for a Catholic ...

Keeping Lord’s day holy; Positives in the Church

Q. I write to ask for guidelines on the Third Commandment – keeping holy the Lord's day.

Father Koch: Advent is time of attentiveness to the action of God

As we begin the Advent Season and enter Cycle A of the Sunday Readings, ...

Parents of late baseball player say their son had unwavering trust in God

Corey Phelan, a minor league player with the Philadelphia Phillies...

When reentry is rocky

I recently returned from a beautiful pilgrimage to France, ...

Darkness, desolation invite people to draw closer to God, Pope says

Moments of difficulty and desolation are opportunities for praying, drawing closer to Jesus ...

Father Koch: The repentant thief utters a most profound prayer

On the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, we observe the ...

Live the Gospel by treating others as a brother or sister, Pope says

Treating everyone as a brother or sister is the clearest, most simple way to live the Gospel ...


Part Five of this “Catechesis on the Holy Eucharist” presents some of the words...

No cell phones, no problems: saluting the digital minimalists

It started with news from Camp Wapo, the Bible camp ...

Gem of a book envisions Jane Austen as modern-day life coach

If you're surprised by the idea of Jane Austen as a life coach, don't be....

Father Koch: The end is always near

The explosion of war in Ukraine has brought out many different ...

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