Physical vulnerability can be a resource for society, the Church, Pope says

Christians working with people who have a physical disability must be motivated by a sense ...

Jesus was a teenager, too

If I asked you to imagine Jesus' childhood, ...

Two books on experiencing Catholicism have lessons to teach, flaws

How do we explain what Catholicism is? 

Father Koch: God fulfills his promise in unimaginable ways

Any people who are oppressed look for a savior.

Eucharist to be focus of catechist formation day March 18

In preparation for the parish phase of the National Eucharistic Revival, catechists will be ...

Where to find the Lord on Christmas

Are you looking for the Lord this Christmas? Then consider casting your gaze closer to home ...

Sweet spice and everything nice on Christmas morning

Once thought to be more valuable than gold, cinnamon is mentioned in the Bible as one ...

Reflecting on the joy of friendship is an Advent blessing

Every year, at the beginning of Advent, I take a ...

Even a two-minute examination of conscience is helpful, Pope says

A daily examination of conscience is an important tool for recognizing where God is at work...

Father Koch: While Advent precedes Christmas we are actually preparing for the end of history

Prophecy serves two purposes in the life of the Judeo-Christian communities.

Vatican offers guidelines for investing in a way consistent with faith

No investment of money is morally neutral...

Advent is the perfect time for New Year Resolutions of faith

Some of us may have heard our pastor exclaim, "Happy New Year!" at the end of November ...

Advent watching includes noticing God at work in daily life, Pope says

 Being so distracted that one does not notice God's presence...

'All the leaves are brown'

As we lean into another Advent, ...

Clapping at Mass? Is Christ king of the universe?

Q. I have noticed that when the choir does a piece of music differently or performs a song ...

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