Finding food for the soul at the kitchen table

One thing you learn in a family is that everyone has their own way of ...

Uruguay celebrates beatification of Bishop Jacinto Vera, father of local Church

Uruguay's Catholic Church celebrated the beatification of Bishop Jacinto Vera May 6.

Jesus shows what path to take, especially in times of trouble, Pope says

Christians have no need to be afraid or hopeless because Jesus always tells the faithful where ...

Holy Year 2025 website to go live; registration opens in the fall

The Vatican office in charge of coordinating plans for ...

QUESTION: Does original sin need an update? Is a Crucifix necessary at Mass?

My Catholic grandmother used to say that "original sin" was a sort of stamp all people since ...

Love, service are marks of belonging to one family in Christ, Pope says

Meeting a group of pilgrims from the Italian diocese...

'Gift and Grit' makes case for counter-cultural detachment and 'Srodowisko'

Andrew Swafford is an associate professor of ...

Father Koch: Jesus asks us to follow him into the great unknown

It might seem counterintuitive that each step of ...

Late singer-activist Harry Belafonte found inspiration in life of Sister Thea Bowman

Many are remembering how Harry Belafonte, who died April 25 ...

The consecration to Mary is worth doing badly

I used to be spiritually allergic to Marian devotion...

Michigan third grader launches 'Kid's Bible in a Year with Teddy' podcast

When he grows up, third grader Teddy Howell...

Every Christian has a vocation to share God's love, Pope says

 Every Christian has a vocation to respond to God's love and to share that love with others....

QUESTION: Reconciling Adam and Eve and evolutionary science

Although we often refer to the Bible as one book...

Pope: Laity share baptismal call to ministry, service

The ministry of lay Catholics, whether formally instituted by the Church or simply inspired by the Holy Spirit to serve the needs of others, flows from Baptism and a recognition that every Christian is called to take part in the mission of the Church, Pope Francis said.

Pope calls for end to culture of waste, indifference

The world needs new economic models...

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