Evangelizer's strength comes from practicing what one preaches, Pope says

The most powerful and effective method of evangelization is to live according to what one teaches ...

Father Koch: Today the Church truly celebrates its birthday

At the Ascension Jesus commissions his disciples to ...

How to forgive and reconcile after being hurt or hurtful

Forgiveness is a thread that runs throughout the story of our faith.

Eucharist central to Florida Catholic wife, mom, doctor involved in sainthood causes

Dr. Mary Soha is a Catholic wife, mother, pediatrician, chair of the canonical coronation of ...

Pope: Pray at Pentecost for courage to evangelize

Christians should pray on Pentecost that the Holy Spirit would give them the courage and strength to share the Gospel, Pope Francis said.

10 Easy ways to grow in your faith this summer

Summer is normally the time we take a break from things. 

QUESTIONS: On women priests and on repairing statues

Why doesn’t the Church allow women to be priests? 

Two tips to learn how to criticize like a Christian

Some years ago, a priest sent me occasional criticism ,,,

Father Koch: Even at the Ascension, some disciples were concerned

The Gospel passage on this Feast of the Ascension points us ...

Prayer, love of Christ are source of strength to share Gospel, Pope says

St. Francis Xavier offers the faithful, especially young people ...

Pope praises Julian of Norwich as example of faith and service

The English mystic Julian of Norwich continues to ...

Confirmation: The Grace to be bold, brave, believing Catholics

Nobody has it as a goal in life to be weak, to be wishy-washy, to be mediocre.

St. Mary student bolstered by Catholic school, letter from Bishop

To many, it could seem that Emma Close has lived a lifetime in her 11 years: awaiting an adoptive ...

Father Koch: Love for Jesus places demands on the disciple

Love is a strange word in that we ...

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