Father Koch: The sin of greed reaches deep into our lives

While we often read this parable as a foreshadowing of the rejection of Jesus ...

So much of evangelization depends on how we sow

A writer and I were going back and forth about how...

Father Koch: Are we hearing the voice of the Father?

With all the noise in our lives today, ...

Hundreds visit Barnegat for exhibit designed by Blessed Carlo Acutis

The apparitions of the Blessed Mother throughout the world have touched many people ...

Bishop’s recordings to offer perspectives on Eucharist from holy men, women

A new opportunity to learn what the saints and holy men and women can teach us about the Eucharist is now ...

Homily Series: The Eucharist as the Mystery of Faith

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

This angel-botherer knows: If you call angels, they will come!

Parents are all too familiar with the sort of anxiety...

'The Following of Christ': The 'hidden' book that helped make Mother Seton a saint

'The Following of Christ': The 'hidden' book that helped make Mother Seton a saint

Father Koch: Fairness and justice are seldom the same

Jesus tells a parable about the Kingdom of Heaven that ...

Question: Are 'little white lies' okay to tell?

However, as your question suggests, there are some nuances to consider.

What makes the St. Michael prayer so powerful?

Catholics of a certain age will remember reciting a set of prayers...

Inside, outside: Synod to focus on the church and its role in the world

When Pope Francis was introduced to..

Shrine to only approved US Marian apparition gets ready for first solemnity

On Oct. 9, t...he National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion

Pope to confessors, faithful: Forgive always, like God

Forgiveness, received freely and constantly from God...

ENCORE-Co-Cathedral to host Princeton filmmaker, author on Shroud of Turin

A journey of nearly a year and a half is coming to fruition ...

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