Father Koch: The totality of the Gospel can be summed up in love

The Pharisee and the teachers of the Law were ...

Survey: Catholics aware of church's social teaching but hear little on it in parishes, dioceses

Catholic social teaching has widely been described as ...

God wants people to know, praise him in their own language, Pope says

Since the Gospel message touches every aspect

A 'formula for life': St. John Paul II's extraordinary devotion to the Eucharist

Pope St. John Paul II passed on to his ...

Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God

When I began reading this Gospel I immediately thought of our current

Father Koch: Beware of those who trap you Into making false choices

The struggle between our obligations to our secular government and ...

Young local parishioner travels to Rome for Synod opener

When Elise Stankus reflects on participating in the opening of the general session of the Synod of Bishops on synodality...

The Eucharist has the power to draw hearts to Jesus, Pope say

St. Charles de Foucauld, a turn-of-the-19th-century hermit, demonstrates how

The Eucharist as Real Presence

One of the most significant theological images used throughout the ages has been that of the great wedding feast

Just a moment in time

So many times, in my life, my father has spoken the words...

Father Koch: We want to go to heaven but not so much to Mass

The parable of the king who invited guests to the wedding feast ...

Love, forgiveness liberate, break cycles of violence, Pope says

"Often a wounded person wounds in turn; the oppressed...

Rosary, Eucharist celebrated at Mount Laurel parish

The parish family of St. John Neumann united in prayer and public worship ...

Synodal silence: Pope says Church must pause, 'fast' from public words

"The Church is taking a break," Pope Francis said.

In book given at synod, Pope warns against idolatry camouflaged as sacred

Christian life is a battle each person must fight against the ...

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