Letting love in during Lent

My love goes out to all of you this holy season of Lent. Now that I am an old man, I see more clearly that love is the only thing that really matters in life. Things you have acquired, like wealth or power or fame, are not really important. All …

Sorrow lifts when we surrender our memories to God

Recently, during an extended time at home recuperating from a medical procedure, I whiled away a Sunday afternoon watching a marathon of Mario Lanza movies.  

Exploring the Pope's vision for women in the Church

With International Women's Day upon us, I turn my thoughts to the important conversation about the role of women in the Church. Since Pope Francis has talked about including the perspective of women in decision-making, this discussion has taken on more significance.

God is happy when we use our gifts and talents

For the past six months, while undergoing treatment for cancer, I was working on a reduced schedule.

In giving and sharing, we may find conversion

There was a time in medieval history and in some places even later when believers would use extreme methods of self-discipline, or self-punishment, during Lent, as a penance for sin.

Self-knowledge first requires knowledge of God

They say if you know the books in a person’s library you will know an important piece of who they are.

Life, suffering and death

Anyone can commit suicide. It's done all the time. But recently we have seen a movement toward legalization of assisted suicide.

A front seat to the immigrant experience

The public television series "The Italian Americans" was an absolute delight in reminding me of my Italian upbringing.

Story of the prodigal son is reminder of simple, nonjudgmental love

It was a chilly March night, but as we gathered around the fire pit on the patio, it seemed that winter's back had been broken and we were on the cusp of spring.

Bear claws, nose rings & rock bands: the hidden lives of Catholic sisters

Belinda Monahan has analyzed more than 100,000 animal bones in Armenia dating back from the Early Bronze Age (1200 BC) to the Medieval period.

Why doesn't Jesus pay my taxes?

It was a little more challenging filling out this year's federal income tax forms. I had to include information on the Affordable Care Act (a boon for some of us who are self-employed). And for the first time since my wife, Monica, died in early 2013, I had to list …

Toward a church that is poor and for the poor

Upon his election as bishop of Rome, Pope Francis declared himself to be one with the poor. He also shared with the world his longing for a church that is poor and is for the poor.  

Spring is here and so is physical and spiritual beauty

As beautiful as winter can be, everyone who experienced heavy snow or extremely cold temperatures this year has been clamoring for spring. Why is it we yearn for spring no matter winter's beauty?

Moving closer to God in ordinary ways

 The kingdom of God is within you. We've all heard this truth, but few fully understand it. When I sign my letters, I often write, "May the Lord be your strength and your joy."

The difference between growing up and growing old

There was a person with a young child who declared that she couldn't find her keys. The 4-year-old, precocious as only a child can be, said, "I'll find them for you for $5." 

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