With Baptism, welcoming others into an eternity with God

I recently attended the baptism of my first grandchild, 3-month-old Charlotte. I must say, Charlotte is adorable. So, with that impartial assessment out of the way, I offer some reflections that Charlotte's baptism brought to mind.

An epic love story atop the family tree

It had an echo of Nicholas Sparks to it, but it was real life, and the story went viral: an Ohio couple married for 73 years died just 28 hours apart.

The sisterhood, for real

Last December a reality series, called The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns, aired on television. Maybe the show piqued your curiosity – it did mine – and I have to admit that I had a negative opinion of it before even watching the first episode. I assumed that it would be impossible …

The strangers who care for us

A recent incident reminded me of how much we operate in the care of strangers. I realized I had left my purse in the taxi I took from the train station to my apartment.

A runner's advice to protesters

Unlike most other cities, Washington is a place of numerous marches and protests. To name a few, there are marches for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, pro-life, on the Fourth of July and to fight breast cancer.  

Beauty can't be found in a jar of wrinkle cream

Recently, I sent out this tweet: "When you look in the mirror don't focus on wrinkles, rather look deeply at your overall beauty which reveals your love & inner goodness."

On freedom of speech, its limits and its obligations

Pope Francis once encouraged young people at World Youth Day to go out and make a holy mess, and one gets the clear impression he likes to do this himself, too -- especially when he gets onto an airplane with journalists.  

God is calling each person and every nation to repent

“The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”         With these two compelling sentences – as recorded in the Gospel of Mark – Jesus inaugurates his ministry and sums up what his mission is about: to break the shackles of sin that enslave humanity, to put …

Summit to highlight marriage strengthening strategies

It’s an exciting time to be Catholic as we prepare for the World Meeting of Families and the Holy Father’s visit to Philadelphia in September. With the recent Synod on the Family, our Church leaders have made the well-being of family life a global priority.

Courage & conviction: how one young Catholic saved 2,500 kids

Irena Sendler was 29-years-old when Nazi tanks slithered into Warsaw, casting a shadow of fear over the town and slicing it apart with a walled-off ghetto for the Jewish residents.

Using the long reach of prayer during Lent

At the beginning of Mass on Super Bowl Sunday morning, I mentioned to my small congregation that they should be mindful of the large electronic "liturgy" later that day that would bring millions together for a football game between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks.

Yippee! A time of renewal

We often hear there are 40 days of Lent. That's close, but not really true.

When the words change and the memory falters

It has been several years since the church instituted word changes to some parts of the Mass, but I still get tripped up from time to time. Perhaps it was hard for me because I was attending Mass in French when the changes were instituted.

Christ and Nature

Numerous groups and individuals today are challenging us in regards to our relationship to mother-earth.

Lenten journey via Facebook group anything but impersonal

For his personal Lenten practice last year, Deacon James Grogan of St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold, then studying at the seminary and living on the Catholic campus of Seton Hall University, chose to do something extra, rather than give something up.

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