Different ways of arriving at a goal

Typically, the inspiration for what I write in this column is easily found. Something in the world sparks my interest and gets me thinking. Sometimes the words I want to type come to me in sentences that are almost completely formed. Sometimes I have different ideas floating in my mind, …

The Resurrection as the ultimate story of selflessness

The whole purpose of Jesus, who came to us as a man, was to lead us out of the prison of this world to the next, and to a new level of existence. Jesus never promised us happiness on earth.

Easter's reminder of the value of water

It can be a terrible nuisance, especially if we’re not dressed for it. It can wash out plans, flood our homes and otherwise create havoc. Or it can be so scarce that conservation regulations make it more limited, and therefore, more valuable.

Colleges and universities facing pressures to change

Change is affecting higher education. It might be happening right now or sometime soon, or it might have begun in the recent past. Something is happening in response to the pressure of rising prices and mounting student debt. In about 20 years, historians of higher education will look back and …

Seeing in a Deeper Way

Sometimes you can see a whole lot of things just by looking. That's one of Yogi Berra's infamous aphorisms. It's a clever expression of course, but, sadly, perhaps mostly, the opposite is truer.

The joy of Easter need not pale before the joy of Christmas

There is often that debate about what is the bigger holiday -- Christmas or Easter.    

Wisdom of elders offers hope for every tomorrow

A genuine concern for many writers is losing what they have spent a significant part of their lives creating. So, when my computer files were hijacked last week, and are now being held for ransom, it was an unexpected crisis.

Accompanying others in a time of pain

In late 2012, when we knew my wife, Monica, had only a short time to live because of uterine cancer, people began asking me if I planned on writing a book about widowhood and grief after she passed away.

The greatness of being you

Most people never think of themselves as great, but if you think about it, you are quite extraordinary. For instance, from the beginning when you were very little, you won a race against a lot of contenders in the struggle to see who would reach your mother's womb first.

Spring arrives with light and hope

While taking a walk on a beautiful spring Sunday, I ran into the neighbor girls digging in the dirt.

A Shelter in the Storm -- God's call to be his presence among his people

Many years ago I heard a homily comparing religious life to lighthouses.   Lighthouses are strategically placed along coastlines to guide ships to safety.  A lighthouse is just there.

Have a Facebook account? Consider a social media will

Creating and sharing content via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and myriad other sites is woven into the fabric of our lives. But what happens to the content you create when you die?

Education helps us to soar

These days, nobody thinks that flying over long distances is impossible. Simply buy a ticket, board the airplane, drink your complimentary cranberry juice, and hours later you're a thousand miles away from where you started.

Love and mercy for those who need it most

The first time I read the phrase "O happy fault" in the special Easter proclamation, or Exsultet, I pondered about God's love for his people -- from the start of creation, through infidelities, rejections, destruction. God persisted in his love for us.

Welcoming a stranger to a new home

The United Nations reports that as of 2014, there were over 50 million refugees in our world. Tonight, I'm going to meet five of them.

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