An opportunity to learn from history

While searching for a strategy to deal with a murderous band of thugs, called the Islamic State by some, the nation's leadership must evaluate how this strategy will be implemented.

The 20-something decorator: creating beauty at home

When my cousin Emily moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood this June, it marked her 10th home in five years, a residential whiplash involving sweat, tears and 11 roommates.

May your kingdom come, but not yet

A friend of mine likes to humor about his struggles in growing up. When I was in my 20s, he quips, I felt that by the time I was 40 I would have grown-up enough to let go of my bad habits.

Never Forget! -- A reflection on the Catholic experience of Sept. 11, 2001

We are running the following editorial in remembrance of all those lost on Sept. 11, 2001, and in honor of the Catholic community in New York City, which was faced with a grievous burden. The editorial was written for the Sept. 11 issue of The Tablet, newspaper of the Diocese …

It's what we do with wealth that counts

If we look at the advice Jesus gives regarding wealth, it may seem like he is calling everyone to denounce all possessions: “Sell what belongs to you.”(Matt. 19:21) and “store up treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20) because “Where a man’s heart is, there his treasure is also” (Matt. 6:21).

Using new media to share our faith nothing to be skeptical of

So you’re skeptical about getting involved with social media. That’s OK. Things that are unfamiliar are sometimes scary, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Why not us?

"Why not us?" was the catchphrase used last season by Russell Wilson, quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks.

Advocate because you care, not for political votes

The dust has yet to settle from the Ted Cruz debacle at the "summit" of the nascent political action group, In Defense of Christians (IDC). Stones have been hurled from all sides -- often with no clear target other than self-defense. "Lord have mercy," said one clergyman who attended the …

Not your mom's NFP

I love reading all of the wonderful facts and quips about the benefits of Natural Family Planning: “...because there’s no drug-drug interactions to worry about,” “...because nothing comes between my spouse and me,” “...because the pill lowers your libido,” and my husband’s personal favorite, “...because when the zombies come, the …

Sometimes less news is good news

One of my earliest memories of my late father-in-law is his watching the national news during weeknight family dinners. Since he watched, we all watched. A complete broadcast on one channel and then, switching to a different station, a complete broadcast on another.

Our biggest mistake is giving in to the fear of making one

My son came home recently after a long weekend of working at the Renaissance Faire where he serves as a Scottish bartender in one of the pubs. He shared the story of a young mother coming to the counter for some cold drinks.

Healing Words for the Wounded

A recent article on communicating the pro-life message left me nodding in agreement – but sometimes shaking my head in disagreement. While it rightly states that words are powerful and can shape opinions, it also says to always use words like “kill” and “sin” in reference to abortion.

Embracing the God of Love

Christians believe that Jesus Christ can be trusted. He taught that every human being is personally invited to an intimate relationship with the divine being.

Self-reflection in the age of selfies

Lena Dunham is not done confessing. That’s the headline of the New York Times Magazine profile just published about the actress-turned-memoirist, and it couldn’t be more apt.

How to look at our jobs differently

Work can be tough. Often, it is draining, daunting and hectic. Sometimes it is monotonous, other times it might be frustrating and time-consuming. Yet, it is still good.

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