When pride is good

We all know that pride is a deadly sin, but can it also be a virtue? I’d say yes. There’s a good side to pride. The question a spiritual director might ask to see which side of this you’re on is this: “Are you too proud or are you not …

The cost of war is the senseless loss of children's lives

These hours-long "humanitarian cease-fires" called to interrupt the ongoing carnage between Israel and Gaza are obscene.

Prisoners dilemma

The evidence is piling up that too many Americans are wasting away in prison.

A lesson from the dimming of a bright star

Once, during a trip to New York City, some friends and I stopped into a restaurant on Seventh Avenue for dinner. I was happily slurping down my pho, a Vietnamese noodle dish, when I heard a familiar voice. The comedian Robin Williams -- Mrs. Doubtfire himself -- was sitting less …

Transformational leaders walk in the footsteps of Christ

Recently while housebound during a day of thunderstorms and flooding, I had the opportunity to watch the poignant and whimsical movie, Bogus, about an orphaned boy forced to live with his aunt, a woman who had no children and really had no clue about how to take care of her …

The Law of Karma

In 1991 Hollywood produced a comedy entitled, City Slickers, starring Billy Crystal. In a quirky way it was a wonderfully moral film, focusing on three, middle-aged men from New York City who were dealing with midlife crisis.

New school year a time for introspection

The summer season is one to be savored and enjoyed.

Remembering what's right in front of us

The family, local community and land that I am a part of are what bring me back to what matters.

Social networking in Diocese on the rise

And the most influential tweeter in the world is … @Pontifex.

A look back at a time when politicians took bold action

The huge influx of unaccompanied minors crossing the border shines a glaring spotlight on the lack of leadership of our elected officials. There are politicians and demagogues but no leaders.

Childhood and parenting, then and now

The older I get, the more I'm convinced childhood was much easier for me than it is for kids today. Why? Back then I was never concerned about my tablet battery running low. I could dump my bike in any neighbor kid's yard, play for a while, and know it …

Let us remember what Labor Day is about

Once, as a kid, I asked my dad: “Why do they call it ‘Labor Day’ when everyone is off work?”

God's love has to overcome any fear of judgment

A letter came to me recently, thanking me for helping the person see Jesus as “a loving brother or a kind Father” rather than as a judge.

James Foley: 'It didn't make sense, but faith did'

No one deserves to die like this. And no parents or family members should have to deal with the reality that the heinous and barbaric way in which their loved one is taken from them is temporarily available for a worldwide audience to view on YouTube.

Fall brings with it a spiritual renewal

September has always been one of my favorite times. Instead of going in big for New Year's resolutions, something in me cries out for renewal in autumn.

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