How do free will and God's plan work together?

If God has a plan for me, what’s the point in having free will? This is a question that comes up every now and then among friends when we’re talking about choosing a path in life, and trying to make sense of our deepest desires.  

A guide on how to believe

A recently published document by the Vatican deserves everyone's attention, not just the attention of theologians.  

Hobby Lobby justice

The June 30 Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case dealt a severe blow to the efforts of the Department of Health and Human Services, and by extension the Obama administration, to force some companies into providing contraceptive and other services deemed morally objectionable.

Diocese realigns responsibility for ethnic ministries

When Catholics pray the Creed we profess belief in a Church that is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.  We have always understood “catholic” to mean that the Church is universal, a community of believers of every race and ethnicity in every nation on Earth.

Crisis in U.S. result of Central American crime

It is estimated that 90,000 children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras as well as Mexico will have entered the country without an adult this fiscal year. Many families in Central America erroneously believe that various U.S. policies would allow their children to stay legally in this country. They pay …

The family still not obsolete

One can appreciate the irony that the family, now often portrayed as a relic or obstacle, was recently the key element in a small but important step for religious freedom in the United States.

A wealth of excuses is no match for God

Family vacations are inevitably a time of memorable moments.

On being perpetually distracted

There’s a story in the Hindu tradition that runs something like this: God and a man are walking down a road.

RAMBLING SPIRIT -- Our history: Built on lives of everyday Christians

I firmly believe that the most assuring thing about being Catholic is how normal we are. Yes, there have been many saints who have lived exceptionally holy lives, but most of us Catholics are masters of the mundane parts of life, fulfilling routine tasks with patience and humility.

An immigration journey to the prairie

During July, some of our family traveled out to rural Nebraska to a little graveyard on a hill where my father and his family are buried.

When it comes to values, parents must 'walk the walk'

Is it more important for children to be successful or to be good?  

Widowhood and the curveballs in life

I think if God played Major League Baseball, he'd be a pitcher. He'd pitch mostly fastballs, and then, just to mix things up, an occasional curveball -- a big curveball.

Great leap for mankind long overdue

"Where were you when I walked on the moon?" was a question recently proposed on social media by former astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

Catholics morally obligated to conserve natural resources

On June 2nd, the EPA mandated America’s power plants to reduce carbon emissions 30% from 2005 levels by the year 2030. In drawing a line in the sand on energy and climate, the Obama administration is putting into action the unanimous teachings by our most recent Popes on climate justice.  …

When words are more than words

Words are all I’ve ever written, read, or spoken. Yet when I need them most, they often flee. 

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