Procrastination turns potential into a field of thistles

It’s about that time of year for one of our unique family traditions – the Easter manger.

Thinking of Msgr. Rick on my way to Papua

Had it not been for my predecessor, Msgr. Richard Tofani, I would never have realized that being on a mission trip can never be easy.

The big reveal: looking back at God's plan

Blue or pink? That was the secret contained in the cake.

Embracing forgiveness will lead us into the light of God

Recently,  I attended Msgr. Donovan High School’s production of Les Miserables. They did a great job and it truly had all the emotion and power this play produces.

For the sake of his Sorrowful Passion

For any of us who have joined in a Divine Mercy Chaplet a few times, the response is automatic.

In Stephen's Footsteps -- Litany stirs awareness of Communion of Saints

The most memorable image from any ordination – whether for a deacon, a priest or even a bishop – is probably that of the men to be ordained lying prostrate on the floor while the cantor, choir and congregation chant the Litany of the Saints.

Making our journey with Christ as compass

One of the vivid memories of my childhood is S & H Green Stamps.

Remembering the extraordinary grace of friendship

On Friday, June 21, 1991, I arrived at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Mercerville, and began my priesthood on that weekend, celebrating Mass and preaching there for the first time, until being reassigned to a new parish on Father’s Day, June 16, 1996, almost 18 years ago.

Juggling the difficulties of life with grace

Life has been falsely compared to a juggling act, where the juggler tosses many balls in the air with ease and keeps them all circulating magically until he or she sets them down in perfect order.  

Rambling Spirit: A Catholic map for the wanderer

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf uses these words to describe Strider, the suspicious ranger in the corner at the Inn of the Prancing Pony. As a young “roaming Catholic,” I find reassurance in the wizard’s words, because they point to the reality that there is freedom …

Giving thanks for teachers

Now that school is out, or nearly out for some schools, and teachers are taking a moment to catch a collective breath, we should all take a moment and reflect on a recent message placed on Twitter by Pope Francis.

Remembering how our relationship with God began

With these words God calls Jeremiah and appoints him a prophet to the nations. Keeping in mind that we are all called to be prophets, our journey begins where Jeremiah’s does – with a calling to greatness.

A simple exercise in God's love that can help many

In my 54 years as a priest, I have been privileged to give hundreds of retreats. My favorite groups were recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

Modern reflections on the path of Paul

A recent two-week trip I took to Greece took us to several sites involving St. Paul. First, there was Athens, where he spoke at the Roman Agora and from a rock promontory on the Acropolis below the Parthenon.  

Cribbage and the kingdom of heaven

Recently, I was teaching my 9-year-old grandson how to play cribbage. I was dusting off a lot of mental cobwebs about the game. We were quite pleased with ourselves.

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