God desires that we become messengers of joy in all seasons

In this column I am going to try to reduce the New Testament to a few hundred words. Are you with me? Here goes.

'Three Rs plus one'-- A formula for the memory and meaning of education for Catholic students

As a young boy growing up, there were three words I dreaded to hear once August rolled around: “Back to School!”

Platitudes are no substitute for the words of truth

“The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63Can I tell you just how often I become frustrated with platitudes, motivational tomes and the often trite “wisdom” of self-empowerment gurus? 

The Light of Christ never goes out

One of the most memorable experiences of our family was the two weeks we spent driving across country to Montana with our best friends and their children. We called it the “15 for the road” trip, 11 children and four adults packed into a nine passenger station wagon and an …

The slow, imperceptible march of goodness

God writes straight with crooked lines. That axiom sounds clever, but is there real truth or depth to it? Can good ever really arise out of evil? Do love, truth, and justice ever work out through hatred, lies, and injustice? Do crooked lines really straighten?

A wake-up call, until you don't wake up

We don't know the day or the hour when our time on earth will end. Is there not an appointed time for man's existence on earth to end? Job asked.

Saints with a little 's'

November is one of my favorite months. It begins with two special days, All Saints on Nov. 1 and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls), on Nov. 2. These two days of prayer and remembrance begins the Month of the Dead … November.

Unwrapping a gift from 'Things My Parents Taught Me'

A mother never knows just how much attention her children are paying to her, but every once in a while she discovers they know her better than she thinks they do.

Waiting for a baby: on Advent and adoption

For years folks told Mike and Maria Slavik that their blue colonial-style house looked like a Christmas card. Maria would be out mowing the lawn in the middle of July and someone would stop to say he loved the way it was decorated for the holidays. So they decided to …

Finding big and small ways to end hunger

In the Chinese culture in which I grew up, it is considered bad luck to have an empty rice container. Even today, my husband and I always replenish the vessel and have an extra bag of rice in store. This is symbolic of a life of plenty and a practical …

'Think before you speak' is our Father's wisdom

“Thoughtlessness – I try not to think about it.”

Unwrapping a gift from 'Things My Parents Taught Me'

Amother never knows just how much attention her children are paying to her, but every once in a while she discovers they know her better than she thinks they do.

Fasting for the spirit as well as the body

It wasn’t the abundance of Christmas, with its wealth of cookies, family meals and wine uncorked. It doesn’t have anything to do with New Year’s resolutions, a practice I gave up years ago.

On the dangers of defining ourselves

Given the speed and change in our world today, the oceans of information being given us by the new technologies, the speed with which knowledge now passes through our lives, the increasing specialization and fragmentation inside higher education, and the ever-increasing complexity of our lives, you occasionally hear someone say, …

There's something about Ash Wednesday...

I do love Ash Wednesday … it’s crazy.

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