Honoring an abundant, prodigal God

There’s a disturbing trend within our churches today. Simply put, we are seeing the embrace of our churches become less-and-less inclusive. More-and-more, our churches are demanding a purity and exclusivity not demanded by Jesus in Gospels.

Deep roots and online ancestry

TWENTY SOMETHING | Christina Capecchi Last night, while many of my peers tuned into the finale of ABC’s “The Bachelor,” a three-hour event dubbed “historic” by the show’s ratings-minded host, I delved into some real history.

Praying in a crisis

HOLY LONGINGHow do we lift our darkest, most depressed, most lonely moments up to God? How can we pray when we are most deeply alone, helpless, and our whole world seems to be collapsing?

Times of silence connect us to God and the authentic self

THINGS MY FATHER TAUGHT MEEvery year, as my youngest son’s March 19 birthday comes and goes, I am reminded of an unusual encounter on the feast of St. Joseph many celebrations ago when I met Elvis in the parking lot of Dunkin’ Donuts.

A woman's mind is like a teleprompter of to-dos that never stops turning.

Unanswered email, unwritten thank-yous, unfolded laundry. Tupperware that needs to be washed and returned. Overdue RSVPs and expired milk. Empty gas tank, full memory card. Birthdays and deadlines, the personal and the professional knotted together beyond the point of repair.

The paradox of a sunset reveals God's Wisdom

“Teach us to count our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” Psalm 90:12It seems an unlikely marriage, beauty and despair, but creations of the human spirit in crisis are among the most meaningful and beautiful in existence.

Putting things in perspective for ourselves, our families

Sometimes in life you think about “what ifs” and “I wish” but then you may be jarred or more appropriately awakened by an experience that puts things in perspective for you.

Flexibility helps to weather life's changes

Recently a friend, who has been dealing with a frustrating family issue, came to me and burst out, “I really think that stubbornness is a major cause of death and injury in seniors!”

A journey that inspired a dream

Sometimes a night out with the girls ends up being more than just a chance to tickle your taste buds. Sometimes, your take-home box includes a wonderful lesson for reflection.

A reflection on fear, piety

Some years ago, a woman shared this story at a workshop. She had a six year-old son whom she had conscientiously schooled in prayer. Among other things, she made him kneel beside his bed every night and say aloud a number of prayers, ending with an invocation to “bless mummy, …

Good is created through the power of words

“They make books about everything.”An astute observation from a pint-sized shopper in a local book store took the words right out of my mouth. This place used to be a frequent haunt for me, a writer who loves the smell of coffee and a cocoon of books.

Love, marriage and pizza delivery

It should come as no surprise that the story of how the Domino’s Pizza founder met his wife involves pizza. But indulge me in the details.

Imagine that God is speaking

Imagine that God is speaking to you directly. What would he say?

When walking on water, faith is answer to doubt

When my children were young each of them had a favorite TV show they would be content to watch over and over again.

Detours are tools in God's arsenal of spiritual growth

Detours – it’s amazing how something so frustrating can be so fruitful.

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