What do you expect?

The National Football League is shocked, just shocked, about the off-the-field violence perpetrated by some of its players.

'DoT.Com' Evangelization through Facebook shares

Facebook metrics revolve around likes and shares. In short, if your post is liked or shared, more people — even those outside your immediate network — see what you have to say.

Pastoral Care reveals the compassionate presence of God

As the new (and former ’07-’11) director of Pastoral Care for the Diocese of Trenton, it is once again my happy task to commemorate Pastoral Care Week.

Rendering God superfluous

The U.S. Air Force no longer requires "so help me God" to be part of the oath taken upon the enlistment of airmen or the commissioning of officers.

Overcoming moral obesity

Here is a sample of what the Vatican is up against as the Synod of Bishops on the family meets in Rome this month. Consider these statistics in the United States regarding marriage and family:

Learning to be a caregiver

Family caregivers don't solely need hands-on training. They need "hearts-on" training, too.

A fond farewell

It was more than a quarter-century ago that I found myself sitting in the office of the archbishop of Omaha, Nebraska. It was the third day on the job as editor of the archdiocesan newspaper after some two decades in the secular press.

A gift from the heart

For the past several years, the diocesan Department of Pastoral Care has received generous supplies of beautifully hand-made rosaries for distribution to our Catholic hospital patients, to our jails and prisons. We have Mary Heilig and the Sacred Heart Rosary Guild, Riverton, to thank for that.

Looking for God within

"Abide in me, as I also abide in you. A branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine. Neither can you, unless you abide in me" (John 15:4).

Preaching the Gospel through dialogue

Pope Francis has been going to great lengths to spread love around the world, and he is quick to tell you that his love comes from the "free and gracious initiative of God," as he put it in his apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium."

Father Tolton, pray for us

"For the slave called in the Lord is a freed person in the Lord," St. Paul wrote in his First Letter to the Corinthians. His words resounded 18 centuries later in the life of Father Augustus Tolton, who was born a slave, died a Catholic priest, and is now being …

Answering the call to fight Ebola in Africa

The attention of the world is focused on the spread of Ebola. Here in the United States, concern is high even though the outbreak of actual cases is quite low and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention appear to be on top of the situation. But a Philadelphia physician …

We are counting on you

Before I ever recall being asked about what I wanted to be when I grew up, my parents say I was already telling them and others, "I want to be a priest." Many people expect a seminarian or religious sister to say that, but I think the opposite is often …

Faith in God transforms ordinary people into unlikely heroes

Some time ago I picked up a 100-year-old copy of Rudyard Kipling’s poems entitled “Barrack Room Ballads.” The book was water damaged, but sturdy enough, so I decided to save it from oblivion on the old dusty, heavily ladened shelves of a used book store. That’s the problem with bibliophiles, …

The unhappy cost of resentment

It’s not only love that makes the world go round. Resentment too is prominent in stirring the drink. In so many ways our world is drowning in resentment. Everywhere you look, it seems, someone is bitter about something and breathing out resentment. What is resentment? Why is this feeling so …

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