The inspiring Rite of Election

KEEPING THE FAITH | Father Douglas FreerAround the world the First Sunday in Lent brings about a most encouraging thing.  In every diocese those who are preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil gather with the bishop of the local Church for the Rite of Election. 

Penitence permeated by the joy of Easter

At the halfway point in our Lenten journey there is an underappreciated gem – Laetare Sunday.  As the Fourth Sunday in Lent, named with the Latin word for “rejoice,” this is a day with a rich past that largely goes unnoticed today.

Porous and buffered personalities

A friend of mine tells this story: As a young boy in the 1950s he was struck down with pneumonia. His family lived in a small town that had neither a hospital nor a doctor. His father had a job that had taken him away from the family for that …

Recovering our desire for creativity

Have you ever felt you’re dull, uninspired and need to change this? If so, find a museum or exhibit that lauds a person who possesses a great mind at work. If these don’t exist, purchase the biography of a person who has inspired the world with ideas, inventions and creativity …

Moments of grace, encouragement sustain our faith

Keeping the Faith | By Father Douglas FreerIt is always so encouraging to hear that the true faith is alive and well. 

Missing couple from shipwreck still inspire

This month we mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, and the luxury liner buried two-and-a-half miles below the Atlantic bobs to the surface once again.

Going where God leads means Calvary, then Resurrection

One day my Lord said to me: “Believe me, my daughter, trials are the heaviest for those my father loves the best. It is difficult to accept whatever suffering comes our way … but this is the cost of going where God leads us … into the Garden of Gethsemane …

We must be bearers of the light at Easter and always

This is a great time of the year. The joy of Easter continues. We all had a great sight this past Sunday when our Masses were filled to capacity. As I looked among the faces in the pews, many were unfamiliar to me. I thought about all the reasons they …

Holy and unholy fear

Not all fear is created equal, at least not religiously. There’s a fear that’s healthy and good, a sign of maturity and love. There’s also a fear that’s bad, that blocks maturity and love. But this needs explanation.

Sacraments more than wearing white dress or red robe

One of the things I like best about this time of year is the fact that milestones are reached in the lives of our children. I don’t mean spring sports or graduations; I’m talking about sacramental milestones such as First Holy Communions and Confirmations.

Who will be able to get into heaven?

It might surprise you to know that you don’t have to be a Catholic to get into heaven. For that matter, you don’t even have to be a Christian, but you do have to detest evil. All salvation will come through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

Studio as sanctuary: a place of 'delight and rest'

Brother Mickey O’Neill McGrath can’t help but grin when he talks about his art studio. It’s been a long time coming for the 55-year-old Oblate of St. Frances de Sales who grew up drawing but wasn’t able to commit to a full-time art career until 1994.

Connection between Catholic schools, vocations

Speaking to a group of American bishops recently, the Holy Father said, “Before all else, I would acknowledge the great progress that has been made in recent years in improving catechesis, reviewing texts and bringing them into conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Let's get on fire for our faith this Pentecost Sunday

“Grant, we pray, that we may always be aflame with that same Spirit whom you wondrously poured out on your Apostles, and that the new Israel, gathered from every people, may receive with rejoicing the eternal commandment of your love.”  

The New Evangelization in simple terms

Holy Longing | Father Ron RolheiserRecently a new expression has made its way into our theological and ecclesial vocabulary.  There’s a lot of talk today about the New Evangelization. Indeed the Pope has called for a Synod to meet this year for a month in Rome to try to articulate …

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