From Mary to Mia: the sacred act of naming

Twenty Something | Christina CapecchiThis week the Social Security Administration released 2011’s most popular baby names, as gathered from applications for Social Security numbers, and there’s been a shake-up in the female ranks: Sophia knocked off Isabella for the number one spot.

Called to stand up for the light of truth

Keeping the Faith | Father Douglas Freer“In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses.

Graduation is a shared joy, moment of pride

As I complete my first year as vicar for Catholic Education, I have to say the best was kept for last.  As much as I enjoyed visiting schools and religious education programs around the diocese, and as much as I enjoyed celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation with our young people, …

'Become leaders, dreamers, architects' of the future

It has been a pleasure to take part in many Baccalaureate Masses and graduations celebrating a new beginning in the lives of graduates.  More than 1,400 graduating seniors garnered in excess of $100 million in scholarships and grants. 

Breakfast with dolphins is time of fraternity

Although one might think that all created life should be a hymn of praise to the Creator, it is more correct to maintain that the human creature has the primary role in this chorus of praise.  Through the human person, spokesperson for all creation, all living things praise the Lord.  …

'There's always something!'

A friend of mine jokingly says that when she dies she wants this epitaph on her gravestone: There was always something! And there always is! All of us appreciate her frustration. Invariably, there’s always something, big or small, that casts a shadow and somehow keeps us from fully entering the …

Do something different: visit your cathedral

Keeping the Faith | Father Douglas FreerBlessed John Henry Newman said, “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.” 

Road-trip reflections on faith & mobility

Twenty Something | Christina CapecchiI write this from the road, winding through pines and rolling by silos as Highway 94 cuts across Wisconsin.

How can we listen to others like Jesus did?

Sharing our Catholic faith with others is most often built on the “fine art of paying attention.” As we befriend them, listen to them, and get to know them, they give us all kinds of cues about themselves—how they feel about their lives, what they are thinking about and where …

Patience with God is often a struggle

There’s an adage that says that an atheist is simply someone who cannot grasp metaphor. Thomas Halik, the Czech writer, would suggest rather that an atheist is someone who cannot be patient enough with God.

Finding a good man requires a different perspective

 “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” – so wrote the renowned Southern author Flannery O’Connor some 60 years ago in what is today considered among the best American short stories ever written. When I was young, I found it macabre – a story of evil men gunning down an …

Taking steps to a joyful heart

SPIRITUALITY FOR TODAYJoy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is given freely to anyone who asks, but it needs to be developed through practice the same way a musically gifted person must practice with his or her instrument. To be joyful, you must will it every day.

Our attitude towards wealth

The rich are getting richer, and we are almost beyond surprise at how rich that is.             Every day, our newspapers, our televisions, and the Internet, report financial compensations that, even just a generation ago, were unimaginable:  Corporate executives receiving multi-million dollar bonuses, athletes signing for similar amounts, entertainers negotiating …

Emergency or blessing? The power of silence

TWENTY SOMETHINGMy dad and brother just returned from a fly-in fishing adventure in the Canadian wilderness – fly in, that is, because their outpost camp...

Special thanks to our schools, religious education programs

So often we focus on what needs to be better, what has to change, where we are falling short. These are important things to consider as we review our lives and our ministries as individuals, parishes and a diocese.

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