A Christian perspective on the marketplace

The Occupy Wall Street protesters have prompted me to think about the marketplace. Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” highlighted the importance of self-interest as an “engine” of economic activity. It was not the benevolence of the baker, said Smith, that produced bread for consumption by those who needed it; …

Sharing the true light of Christ

And so we enter the most joyous season, the season of light and love, the season of generosity and care for others, the season of Christ. And we can tell of his name, after all it is Christmas; we can proclaim his name with rejoicing.  We welcome at Christmas the …

Humility of the Nativity is the heart of Christmas

“Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.” 1Corinthians 1:31 I was first introduced to Harry Emerson Fosdick through a quote: “…real Christians do not carry their religion, their religion carries them. It is not weight, it is wings. It lifts them up, it sees them over hard places.

Resolve to write in the new year

Benjamin Franklin was 27 when he dipped his pen in red ink, drew a seven-column, 13-row chart and resolved to master all the moral virtues.

Why does family history matter?

Effie Caldarola | Guest CommentaryI asked myself that question as I put together some albums of ancestry for my kids for Christmas.

Glimpses of God in a hospital café

Every writer needs a favorite place where they can scribble notes on napkins or complete manuscripts while the noise of living plays in the background.

Truth in a haunting equation

In her novel, Final Payments, Mary Gordon articulates an equation that has long influenced Christian spirituality, both for good and for bad.

Catholic Press Month reminds us to seek words of truth and love

When I was a parish priest I wrote a short article for the bulletin each week.  Then, you know, people read the bulletin, at least the ones who read it during the homily. 

It's OK to be silent and alone with our thoughts and prayers

Brian Williams took time from his nightly newscast earlier this month to announce that comedian Russell Brand had filed for divorce from singer Katy Perry, ending a marriage that had barely cleared the one-year mark.

Consider all the facts when it comes to vote

Remember that old detective TV show, “Dragnet”? There was a famous line by actor Jack Webb, “Just the facts, ma’am.” Naturally, the police search for the facts in order to solve a crime.

Dancing through life's ups and downs

Henri Nouwen used to publish some of his diaries under the title, On Mourning and Dancing. The title was wholly appropriate since those diaries chronicled much of his own struggle...

There's no fool like an old fool

Saturdays were my favorite day as a child. It meant time spent with my mom, or dad, or both, usually shopping for groceries, buying the latest Nancy Drew volume and, eventually, grabbing a bite to eat at the local diner.

What are you giving for Lent?

So Lent begins.  I have overheard the usual pre-Lenten discussions, “What are you giving up for Lent?”  The answers are usually familiar.  Most often we hear chocolate, cursing, desserts or some other extravagance or bad habit.

Parading through homes, tracking the Joneses

Spring is almost here and the sweet home-show season is upon us! Time to inspect the Joneses’ mansion and discover just how far behind we’ve fallen.

Working together to serve those in need

DIOCESAN JOURNAL | Sister Joanne Dress, D.C.Bishop O’Connell wanted someone to serve the diocese and its mission in areas relating to Catholic social services.

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