What it means to have a divine understanding

A number of years ago at a symposium on faith and evangelization, one of the speakers made a rather startling statement. 

Sharpen your pencils for the school of love

Did you know the family is a school of love?

The blessing of reality checks

"I have observed Satan falling like lightning from the sky" (Lk 10:18). Jesus instructed the Twelve: "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves" (Mt 10:16). Avoiding being like Satan, who was dispelled from heaven because of …

Searching for silver linings: grace after the storm

Business was good. So good, in fact, that the family company had become one of the largest breweries in New England, producing 300,000 barrels a year and supporting two generations of Geisels in Springfield, Mass. 

Reflecting on the heart of Mary

We dedicate the month of August to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a reminder that we should venerate Mary’s heart for its purity and devotion to Christ.

Marriage: When expectations yield to love

This summer marks the special occasions of David's and my 40th anniversary and the marriage of our older son Ryan to Sarah, our new daughter

Our grandiosity and our wounds

We wake up into life with the incurable sense that we’re special, that we’re the center of the universe.

At Issue

By Lois RogersMonitor Features Editor Lois Rogers looks at societal issues from a Catholic perspective in her regular column.

Things My Father Taught Me

By Mary MorrellNew Jersey-based freelance writer Mary Morrell shares stories of faith and inspiration in her monthly syndicated column, which she has been writing for more than a decade.

Twenty Something

By Christina Capecchi Minnesota-based writer Christian Capecchi examines pop culture and current events through the lens of a Catholic young adult in her monthly syndicated column.

Pray, Add Humor, Then Stir

By Christina LeslieChristina Leslie, a freelance correspondent for The Monitor, understands that God has a sense of humor. In her exclusive online column for, Leslie writes of the lighter side of life, looking at every day situations through the lens of faith and with a heavy dose of comic …

Holy Longing

By Father Ron Rolheiser Father Ronald Rolheiser, a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is an internationally-renowned author and speaker. His column on spirituality and our relationship with God is published once a month in The Monitor.

Bible Series

This series is provided courtesy of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Media Relations.

Keeping the Faith

Father Douglas Freer, former pastor of St. Rose Parish, Belmar, is vicar for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Trenton. Father Freer supervises the Offices of Catholic Schools, Catechesis and Evangelization, the Institute for Lay Ecclesial Ministry, and all formation certificate programs, as well as the Holy Innocents Society.

Christmas and the divinity of Jesus Christ

The Church has a grave responsibility to insist that the purity of revelation be upheld. Why? Because, in our pop culture, the divinity of Christ is constantly being challenged. One of the bestselling books in recent years was “A Course in Miracles,” which has spawned dozens of other self-help books. …

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