Your life’s mission

The Parable of the Talents presents a stark reminder of the expectations Christ places upon us to utilize our gifts for the greater good.

On being a good pastor

I wish I had read the book, “The Better Pastor” by Patrick Lencioni,  a layman who specializes in leadership and team building. 

A lesson in aging

We live in a culture that idealizes youth and marginalizes the old. 

Sept. 1 – We are called to humility and not to self-aggrandizement

When we attend a banquet, especially where there is open seating, we all have our preferences on where we would like to sit.

In secret you will be repaid

Prior to his conversion, St. Augustine was a professor of rhetoric in Rome, making money teaching students how to speak well and persuade audiences. 

After the words, transformation bears fruit in change

Sometimes opportunities come into your life that are not only unexpected, but transformative.

After the words, transformation bears fruit in change

Sometimes opportunities come into your life that are not only unexpected, but transformative.

Catholic education – responding to changing times

As we welcome a new school year, a renewed commitment is made each day by administrators and teachers to provide an environment that will guide students to be tomorrow’s leaders.

The Catholic school is an extension of the Catholic home

Home is where you come to know self. It is a place of unconditional love and acceptance and a place to be challenged toward personal growth. 

Sowing love, not hatred

We've all lost something over the past couple of months. The tragic losses in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, shook the entire nation.

Sowing love, not hatred

We've all lost something over the past couple of months. 

Miracle at Lanciano

I was 12 years old when my family took our first trip to Italy. We spent a good portion of time visiting my father's cousins in Abruzzo. 

Learning to trust in providence

For the past year, we Little Sisters of the Poor have been celebrating the 150th anniversary of our congregation’s arrival in the United States.

Together at the potluck

When I was growing up in a small Midwestern farm community, I was vaguely aware of rich folks. There were prosperous lawyers, business owners, Dad's cousin who owned the grain mill.

What's in a number?

This month, I will celebrate a milestone birthday. I've done the math and know what the numbers say, but I have to beg to differ: I do not feel like my age, not by a mile.

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