What it means to welcome the stranger

This summer, an image went viral in Italy. It was a photograph of three Italian grandmothers holding migrant children from Africa on their laps. 

Why pray for the dead?

During the month of November, the Catholic Church asks the faithful to spend 30 days praying for the dead.

Rediscovering the miracles of our extraordinary lives

As a Catholic, I have a confession to make. I read, reflect on and often incorporate the wisdom of other religious teachers in my life.

Move to meet people with love – even around the family table

Religion and politics. The two subjects you're supposed to avoid in polite conversation.

Duct tape, friendship and blessings

There are those friends in life who have such a way with a turn of phrase that they always keep you smiling ...

Father Koch: It’s all about eternal life

If you want to have an interesting conversation at a family gathering ask the question as about what heaven is like.

The Monitor Magazine receives feedback from readers

The Monitor team would like to thank the many readers who took the time over the last month to tell us how much they like the new magazine format. While many of the comments were congratulatory and generally affirming, some of you mentioned specific aspects that you enjoyed.

Getting intentional about our God-given vocation

With November’s arrival of National Vocation Awareness Week, The Monitor focuses on the subject of vocations ...

The goodness of others shines a light in the darkness

For a time, I have become the primary caregiver of my three young grandsons while their parents attend to their newborn who needs specialized care in an out-of-state hospital.

The frustrating struggle for humility

It’s hard to be humble. Not because we don’t have more than enough deficiencies to merit humility, but rather because there’s crafty mechanism inside of us that normally doesn’t let us go to the place of humility.

Father Koch: Like Zacchaeus, we cannot get stuck in a tree for very long

Our relationship with the Lord, although principally expressed and experienced in the context of a community, is still always uniquely personal.

Keeping sight of what's real

What do Greek philosophy and Bose headphones have in common? Quite a bit if you have seen the most recent ad for Bose headphones.

Father Koch: We always are in need of God’s mercy

As a teacher, it didn’t take long to begin to see the intellectual and emotional processes of my students through their writing and classroom interaction.

The gift of Scripture

Thanks to the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the world is better able to enjoy and understand the Scriptures.

Remember our dead to affirm life

Old age and illness are perhaps the two realities that more regularly confront us with our mortality.

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