Remembering is the best gift of our holy seasons

This year Christmas will be very different for us and it’s taken some real effort on my part to adjust.

Christmas is proof that God believes in us

Recently, a friend recounted all of the activities ahead of her to get ready for the Christmas season: shopping, baking, decorating, getting cards out and spending extra hours at the food pantry.

When it comes to giving, less is more

Every year my sister and I make the same promise to each other. "One year, we're not going to do presents at all," we declare over the phone.

During Advent, prayer begins in the heart of a child

As the (almost) full-time caretaker of three young grandsons I have rediscovered something that all parents discover very early on in their vocation – they will find you.

Father Koch: John’s furor upsets the haughty

Much of the political debate in our country centers around areas of justice. 

Practice peace to prepare for Christmas

In his classic News Note “Peace: The Essence of the Christmas Message,” Father James Keller tells the story of a woman who was out shopping on a cold December day.

What constitutes fidelity?

It’s becoming increasing difficult in today’s world to trust anything or anybody, for good reason. 

Christmas could be different this year

It happens more often than we’d like to admit … our Christmas to-do lists grow longer, while the time available to address these tasks grows shorte

The Nativity reminds us that love was born at Christmas

When my sons were young, I told them the story of Patrick, the penguin ...

Father Koch: Advent offers hope in the midst of uncertainty

As we begin a new Liturgical Year, we are struck with the clear apocalyptic message coming from Jesus.

Happy holy days

Is it my imagination, or has the Christmas shopping season (or "holiday shopping season") extended itself by another few weeks?

Rejoice in all circumstances

In spite of sad feelings we can choose joy over sorrow even in emotionally down times.In spite of sad feelings we can choose joy over sorrow even in emotionally down times.In spite of sad feelings we can choose joy over sorrow even in emotionally down times.

Father Koch: We spend too much time focused on the wrong kingdom

As we close out the Liturgical Year, we celebrate the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

“Gratitude is the seed of all good things”

On Thanksgiving Day, we usually express gratitude for the big things: family, friends, faith, work, etc.

Domestic peace at the holidays

As family members gather for the upcoming holidays, there might be more than sugarplums dancing in their heads.

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