We are one Church

For the vast majority of Catholics, it is the parish community where our faith lives are rooted and cultivated.

Bringing in New Year with Jonah, angels

After 40 years of watching “It’s a Wonderful Life,” I finally saw the very beginning of the movie ...

Rediscovering our first love

When writing, I generally try to reach as broad an audience as possible, but, as we begin this new year, I’d like to address myself to those who feel they are growing old.  

The wisdom of 'I don't know'

I once read an interview with a pastor who said that the most important thing a parent can say to a child is often, "I don't know."

Father Koch: Like the Magi, we seek the Lord in humble surroundings

The Magi coming from the East to give due homage and honor to the Messiah, the new-born King of the Jews, points us to the proper reverence due to God in our own life of faith.  

What home really is

Whether you traveled for Christmas or stayed where you live, you might still have at least a little of that cozy, warm, "no place like home for the holidays" mood. 

New Year’s resolutions to ponder

As the new year approaches, people’s minds often turn to making resolutions to improve themselves and their lives.

Father Koch: The plight of the Holy Family is reflected in millions of families today

Joseph took his family and fled into Egypt to escape persecution at the hands of Herod. 

A special trip home for Christmas

Sixty-seven years have gone by, but the voice of Bing Crosby, "I'll be home for Christmas ..." still tugs on the heart. 

Bring Christ into your family

The Birth of Christ happened during a hectic and dangerous time for the Holy Family.

Christmas holidays: Time for exchanging gifts

The holiday panic of picking out the right gifts is upon us. Now comes the challenge deciding what best to give a beloved or dear friend.

Jesus is calling

It's early on an Advent morning and I've just poured a second cup of coffee. I have my Scripture and I'm hoping to shift into listening mode.

Give a gift of joy for Christmas

I had just begun my initiation to religious life when a very kind Little Sister offered to share with me the secret to joy. Of course, I wanted to know the secret, I responded!

Christmas holidays: Time for exchanging gifts

The holiday panic of picking out the right gifts is upon us. Now comes the challenge deciding what best to give a beloved or dear friend.

Father Koch: The Church remains Christ present in the world

We live at a time when the world is rife with the cult of personality.

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