Talking about God and grief with children

February is a tough month for our family, bringing the anniversaries of our twins' deaths.

Father Koch: The Light of the World pierces the darkness of sin

The midpoint of winter, 40 days after Christmas, the traditional end of the Christmas Season, is celebrated by many cultures in various ways and is one of the highpoints of the Liturgical Year.

Light and darkness

The statues of the saints seemed to come to life, lit only by candles. It is moments like these that remind me of the many ways technology reshapes not just our physical surroundings, but our psychological experience as well.

These days of Ordinary Time

How ordinary is "Ordinary Time"? As it turns out, not very, if you think of ordinary as ho-hum and routine  

Opening doors to love

As Valentine's Day approaches, so too does more awareness of love and how we express it to the diverse people in our lives.

Father Koch: The disciples could respond to Jesus because they knew the Scriptures

The Gospel for this Sunday is the call of the first disciples. Jesus, as the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament, emerges from the desert proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.

Forgotten should never be anyone’s last memory

My mother was not one to talk much about God or faith but she had a deep affection for her Syrian Orthodox Church ...

The spirituality of starting again

I find the pressure to make New Year's resolutions a bit oppressive. 

Exercising my right to choose

I was cleaning the kitchen, the TV on in the background, the faces of glitz and glam celebrities flashing across the screen, the sounds of applause filling the room as the Golden Globes played.

Father Koch: John the Baptist is the prophet of the Eucharist

On this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Gospel again draws us into liturgical language.

Have an eco-conscious new year

At a New Year's Eve party, someone asked everyone about their 2020 resolutions. Talk about deflating a celebration.

The story of our lives

I'm beginning the new year with a clean office. It seems a good place to start, a practical way to set me up for any other resolutions I make.

The missing art of dialogue

Why are some people tuning out today's news? Could one reason be that basic principles of dialogue are missing in what they are experiencing?

Realizing that you are part of God’s plan

In 1977, writer, humorist, and public speaker Art Fettig paid a visit to Jackson Prison in Michigan.

Peace is the first greeting

On Jan. 18, 1968, St. Paul VI inaugurated the World Day of Peace and designated the first day of every year for this focus. 

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