Grieving as a spiritual exercise

Wounds can soften your heart; but they can also harden you heart and freeze it in bitterness.

‘Kindly light amid encircling gloom’

Cardinal Newman was not only known for his intellect, or even his exemplary piety. His letters and diaries reveal that he was a warm, gentle and thoughtful man ... 

Don't let Halloween scare you

Sometimes kids can be way more sensible than grown-ups.

Father Koch: Prayer must be constant and certain

Our Readings this weekend focus on the need to be consistent and constant in prayer.

Evangelizers in our midst

In one of his appearances to the disciples after the Resurrection, Christ said to them, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ..."

It's far harder to love

Airplanes aren't designed for comfort, even if you snag an upgrade.

Prolife and the next generation

Persevering in faith is something the elderly can teach us a lot about!

Father Koch: We are called to offer thanksgiving to God every day

Upon arriving in the hospital room of a man who was dying, I met his wife and invited her to pray with me.

The arrival of refugees, old and new

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate has had a long relationship with the indigenous peoples of North America

Creating and holding space for our brokenness

I went on a weekend retreat given by a woman who mourned the fact that she was able to have children.

We begin with prayer

It seems that prayer, as a concept, has become a fixture in our everyday communication.

Wonderfully made: finding the courage to create

I was a sophomore in college when I received a gift from a friend who also wanted to be a writer.

The ministry of making room

Our family learned this summer that we are expecting a baby in March ...

What country music can teach the Church

My husband's father and my mother came from diverse backgrounds.

Father Koch: There is more to the life of faith than doing the very least

Judaism at the time of Jesus was focused on the observance of the Mosaic Law.

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