Fleeing with the Lord

We woke up early, checked the weather reports, turned on the news and hastily packed the car, cramming in essentials ...

Spirituality and the second half of life

One size doesn’t fit everyone. This isn’t just true for clothing, it’s also true for spirituality. 

New encyclical: a critical roadmap for the world

The Pope’s first trip outside Rome in more than seven months couldn’t come at a better time.

What a year it has been!

With this October issue, we mark the first anniversary of The Monitor Magazine ...

Insights from a Jewish philosopher and a koi pond

When book lovers are stuck at home for the better part of six months, ...

Faith at home is faith for others

Did you know that one of the most famous lines attributed to St. Teresa of Kolkata was never spoken by her?

Father Koch: Jesus gives leaders of the people cause to reflect on what is about to happen

When reading the Scriptures, and especially as we listen to Jesus, context always matters. 

An appreciation for the inner chapel

Spiritual director and author Becky Eldredge has a special term for “the sacred space within us where God resides.” 

Moving beyond mistakes and weaknesses

We can learn a lesson from how Jesus dealt with those who betrayed him.

Father Koch: We can easily say “yes,” but can we live that “yes”?

The parable that Jesus tells us this weekend about a man with two sons, ...

Woe to those who gossip

Twelve years ago this month, I taught my first theology class at an all-girls high school.

We are experiencing interesting and challenging times

My granddaughter Charlotte posed for the traditional first day of kindergarten photo ...

Father Koch: The just thing isn’t always fair

In preaching on the Kingdom of God, Jesus tells the disciples about the parable of a landowner ...

A growing lesson in achieving inner peace

As my birthday approached last month, I decided to purchase a few new additions to my indoor garden 

The world of entertainment reexamined

In Italian, "divertimento" means fun and entertainment ...

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