Remembering to leave the corners of our fields for others

After making a very long and frenzied 10 hour drive to visit my family, I was anticipating my stop in a favorite motel along the way.

Hospitality at six feet: keeping our distance while letting others in

“Can you come in?” My grandma’s favorite question is one we now discourage her from uttering.

Teach us to pray – as stressed-out parents

Lord, we're tired. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Uncertain.

Father Koch: We remember today the saints we knew in our lives

There are saints and then there are saints. 

Our balm for 2020: the Communion of Saints

Paula Kraus wasn’t afraid to utter the wish burning on her heart, ...

Reviving a droopy spirit

It is wonderful when our spirit runs high. When it seriously wanes, ...

Father Koch: Love of neighbor must be grounded in our love for God

When we think of the Commandments we tend to focus on ...

Superstition has no place in life of faith

A contemporary government official once enthused about the benefits and powers of science.

Having a true devotion to Mary

St. Louis de Montfort wrote, “Because Mary remained hidden during her life she is called ...

Pray for all fire victims

Oct. 8 was the anniversary of a fire.

Justice is at the heart of Pope Francis’ new encyclical

"Fratelli Tutti" can appear to be a rather depressing read because of its searing realism ...

Father Koch: In the end, everything comes from and returns to God

Having listened to the parables that Jesus used to instruct the chief priests and elders in the Temple precincts, ...

'Fratelli Tutti': A call to personal encounter

"Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship," gives tender challenge to "all people of goodwill" ...

Father Koch: We need the right disposition to share in the Kingdom

Jesus tells another poignant parable to highlight what is about to happen. ...

The destiny we all face

Once again, the liturgy of the season reminds us of the death that awaits us all. But we need no reminder this year.

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