Sowing love, not hatred

August 22, 2019 at 9:20 p.m.

Edith Avila Olea

We've all lost something over the past couple of months. The tragic losses in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, shook the entire nation. Then, we lost nearly 300 family members in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement work raids in Mississippi.

The loss of these souls is a loss for you and me. The detention of working individuals is a loss for you and me. Personally, I am growing tired of losing my brothers and sisters in this way. It is absolutely unjustifiable.

Like thousands across this world, I am deeply saddened, hurt and angry. I, too, question, what is happening in this world. Prayer feels like it isn't enough of a response anymore. What do we do?

The weeks following these tragedies and threats of more tragedies have quieted my spirit. As a minister, I want to think of solutions and journey with my community in the midst of this constant pain. As an individual, I'd like to have the heart to walk away from these injustices.

Instead, I choose not to hide, and I know that's not the answer. As an advocate, I think about policies that could help us save our neighbors from the increasing violence and terror in this country. Like many, I don't think we have the leadership to bring about just and equitable solutions.

I also can't help but notice the increasing divisive and hate-inspired rhetoric. To argue that this is not an issue in America today is to turn a blind eye to the suffering of thousands across the nation.

While we may not be able to bring political solutions just yet, we can and must fight the divisive and hate-filled rhetoric we are all witnessing. Here we all have a clear role.

We must recognize hate for what it is. We must recognize hate as sin. We must recognize hate as evil. We need to wrestle with this reality. Instead of covering it up, or joking about it, we need to call it by its name and denounce its evil roots.

We might never be able to completely eradicate hate. But we must acknowledge its growing presence. It's increasing and not just in people with mental illnesses. Rather, hatred is a force growing in our youth, families, Christian and non-Christian brothers and sisters.

As long as hatred continues to grow, so will our violence.

It takes great courage to fight hate. It is by far easier to say a prayer and forget about the loss of a stranger. How much harder is it to forget the loss of your brother or sister? We must remember we are one human family. In God's eyes, we are his children.

How do we fight hate? Perhaps, we can learn from St. Francis. This is the prayer that has kept me going this summer:

"Lord make me an instrument of your peace: Where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy."

As a young Latina, I feel the hate and I genuinely fear its power. There is not a day that I don't think about my surroundings and the possible scenarios I might face one day. I thank God for the faith that keeps me going.

Yet, if we're really about building the kingdom of the Lord, we must recognize that our faith calls for more than prayer and a few charitable actions.

We must continue to practice the instruments of peace. Sowing love, pardon, faith, hope, light, joy, consolation and understanding will not happen on its own. We need to be the ones cultivating the ground and planting these seeds.

Edith Avila Olea is associate director of justice and peace for the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois. The 2015 winner of the Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award, she holds a master's degree in public policy and a bachelor's degree in organizational communication.

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We've all lost something over the past couple of months. The tragic losses in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, shook the entire nation. Then, we lost nearly 300 family members in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement work raids in Mississippi.

The loss of these souls is a loss for you and me. The detention of working individuals is a loss for you and me. Personally, I am growing tired of losing my brothers and sisters in this way. It is absolutely unjustifiable.

Like thousands across this world, I am deeply saddened, hurt and angry. I, too, question, what is happening in this world. Prayer feels like it isn't enough of a response anymore. What do we do?

The weeks following these tragedies and threats of more tragedies have quieted my spirit. As a minister, I want to think of solutions and journey with my community in the midst of this constant pain. As an individual, I'd like to have the heart to walk away from these injustices.

Instead, I choose not to hide, and I know that's not the answer. As an advocate, I think about policies that could help us save our neighbors from the increasing violence and terror in this country. Like many, I don't think we have the leadership to bring about just and equitable solutions.

I also can't help but notice the increasing divisive and hate-inspired rhetoric. To argue that this is not an issue in America today is to turn a blind eye to the suffering of thousands across the nation.

While we may not be able to bring political solutions just yet, we can and must fight the divisive and hate-filled rhetoric we are all witnessing. Here we all have a clear role.

We must recognize hate for what it is. We must recognize hate as sin. We must recognize hate as evil. We need to wrestle with this reality. Instead of covering it up, or joking about it, we need to call it by its name and denounce its evil roots.

We might never be able to completely eradicate hate. But we must acknowledge its growing presence. It's increasing and not just in people with mental illnesses. Rather, hatred is a force growing in our youth, families, Christian and non-Christian brothers and sisters.

As long as hatred continues to grow, so will our violence.

It takes great courage to fight hate. It is by far easier to say a prayer and forget about the loss of a stranger. How much harder is it to forget the loss of your brother or sister? We must remember we are one human family. In God's eyes, we are his children.

How do we fight hate? Perhaps, we can learn from St. Francis. This is the prayer that has kept me going this summer:

"Lord make me an instrument of your peace: Where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy."

As a young Latina, I feel the hate and I genuinely fear its power. There is not a day that I don't think about my surroundings and the possible scenarios I might face one day. I thank God for the faith that keeps me going.

Yet, if we're really about building the kingdom of the Lord, we must recognize that our faith calls for more than prayer and a few charitable actions.

We must continue to practice the instruments of peace. Sowing love, pardon, faith, hope, light, joy, consolation and understanding will not happen on its own. We need to be the ones cultivating the ground and planting these seeds.

Edith Avila Olea is associate director of justice and peace for the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois. The 2015 winner of the Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award, she holds a master's degree in public policy and a bachelor's degree in organizational communication.

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