Bearing the Right Fruits

In this Sunday’s gospel, the apostle Luke talks to us ...

Father Koch: God Is Ever Patient with Those Who Seek Him

God heard the cry of the Israelites who were under the oppression...

The meaning of Lent

Every Lent for over 45 years, I have given up watching TV...

50 years of love and more

Fifty years ago, Catholics in Allentown, Pennsylvania, ...

Mary Morrell: In a world prone to war, is peace the piece missing from our hearts?

“I just need a peaceful minute, Nanny.”

How does a vegan senior citizen handle Lenten fasting?

Canon 1252 of the Code of Canon Law tells us

Good and good

Ok, the fun part’s over. Time to buckle down...

A new heart this Lent

I know it's part of getting older, but when my husband was told...

Father Koch: The Transfiguration awakens us to the promise of the life to come

Jesus takes Peter, James and John away from the other disciples ...

Arming ourselves with the truth

From the time we were very young, we learned that lying...

Track Star

On an unlikely Monday morning in November...

Father Koch: A real Jesus encounters a real Satan in the desert

Jesus encounters a real Satan and real temptation ...

Father Koch: We prepare For Lent by reflecting on where we need to grow

This last Sunday in Ordinary Time before ...

What is Catholic social teaching?

When asked to name the most important commandment in all of the law,

Growing in His Image: A Godmother’s Transformation

When I was seventeen, I was over the moon to be asked to be a godmother.

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