Father Garry Koch

Father Koch: The disciples cannot let go of their internal power struggle

The sin of jealousy that plagued the disciples ...

Father Koch: Are we afraid of what Jesus is asking of us?

A righteous and rich young man ...

Father Koch: God created us in love and for love

Question 6 from The Baltimore Catechism asks:

Father Koch: The journey to Jerusalem is fraught with confusion, danger

There is a subtle geographical movement in ...

Father Koch: Jesus points to the Messianic Promises in gestures, not words

The eschatological imagery found in Isaiah

Father Koch: Jesus points to the Messianic Promises in gestures, not words

The eschatological imagery found in Isaiah

Father Koch: The struggle over how to exercise religion Is ageless

One of the criticisms of the Church that comes ...

Father Koch: Why do some disciples of Jesus choose to walk away?

The dialogue between Jesus and the crowd that followed him ...

Father Koch: The living bread from heaven transforms our world view

The dialogue that Jesus has with the crowd ...

Father Koch: As good as it might be, food never truly satisfies us

Although we live in an area of the world where ...

Father Koch: The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish prepares us for the Eucharist

We make the shift this weekend from a continuous ...

Father Koch: The work of Jesus, the Church is never truly finished

Knowing human nature and the need for ...

Father Koch: Jesus Taught His Disciples to Become Rabbis to Continue His Mission

The ministry of Jesus was not just teaching his disciples about ethereal...

Father Koch: Sometimes it’s difficult to see the work of God

We are all aware of how challenging it can be to ...

Father Koch: If we persist in our pleas, Jesus will calm the storms

In 1986 a first century fishing boat was discovered

Father Koch: Sin is a real and present danger

The propensity to sin is deep within us, ...

Father Koch: The Eucharist is the foreshadow of heaven

This past week our Diocese was blessed ...

Father Koch: The power of the Holy Spirit Is in the effects

The disciples and members of the household of Jesus

FATHER KOCH: Preparing for the coming of the Holy Spirit

In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke suggests a ...

Father Koch: Simple enough: Love one another

Jesus delivers a lengthy and thorough instruction ...

Father Koch: Jesus as the vine identifies himself and us with Israel

There are multiple ways in which the Gospel writers see Jesus ...

Father Koch: The Good Shepherd leads all to the father

The Fourth Sunday of Easter always draws our ...

Father Koch: The Word uses the Word of God to instruct the disciples

Two disciples had left Jerusalem and were walking ...

Father Koch: Like Thomas, there are many who struggle ...

The reports on that Sunday morning, fueled by the ...

Father Koch: Easter helps us to understand this life and the life to come

As we encounter increasing hostility to our ...

Father Koch: Passion Sunday directs our focus to the Cross

Even as the promised hope of the Resurrection looms...

Father Koch: The grain of wheat becomes the Body of Christ

Somewhere around 10,000 B.C., our ancestors began to ...

Father Koch: Yes, God loves us, but what does that mean for us?

Perhaps the most famous dialogue in the Gospels is that between ...

Father Koch: The Temple was a sign of God’s presence

For Catholics, St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican is an iconic structure.

Father Koch: The Transfiguration connects us all to the Covenant

The First Reading poses a challenging dilemma as we ...

Father Koch: Water stands as both a sign of death and life

Here in the Northeast of the U.S., we seldom concern ourselves ...

Father Koch: Through a leper we see the healing power of Jesus

Father Koch: Through a leper we see the healing power of Jesus over sin and death

Father Koch: Mark’s Gospel draws attention on the Cross of Jesus

Mark’s Gospel opens with a rapid series of events, so ...

Father Koch: Authority defines Jesus’ teaching, mission

The appearance of Jesus at the synagogue must have been unsettling to ...

Father Koch: We need to experience mercy before we can preach mercy

The story of Jonah is very familiar.

Father Koch: Prophets and mentors can to point us to Christ

We are introduced to one of the most significant personage ...

FATHER KOCH: Every family needs an Anna and a Simeon

The Sunday after Christmas is traditionally observed as ...

Father Koch: Mary is the one who brings the Son into the world

The peculiarity of the calendar leaves us with a Fourth Week of Advent ...

Father Koch: The darkness never fully overcomes the light

Each of us has over the past several weeks ...

Enrich the New Year with sacred time

On a winter visit to the local convenience store, I ...

Father Koch: All human interaction is an encounter with Jesus

As he sat in the Temple precincts in what we liturgically call ...

Father Koch: The Parable of the Talents is reminder about the Kingdom

We often overlook the truth that God ...

Father Koch: We are always fighting the tendency to hypocrisy

Jesus often criticizes the religious leaders of ...

Father Koch: The totality of the Gospel can be summed up in love

The Pharisee and the teachers of the Law were ...

Father Koch: Beware of those who trap you Into making false choices

The struggle between our obligations to our secular government and ...

Father Koch: We want to go to heaven but not so much to Mass

The parable of the king who invited guests to the wedding feast ...

Father Koch: The sin of greed reaches deep into our lives

While we often read this parable as a foreshadowing of the rejection of Jesus ...

Father Koch: Are we hearing the voice of the Father?

With all the noise in our lives today, ...

Father Koch: A Canaanite woman teaches us how to approach Jesus

There emerges an important shift in the ministry of Jesus ...

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