Father Garry Koch

Father Koch: Beware of those who use religion as a power trip over others

Jesus was never wary of taking on ...

Father Koch: Bartimaeus sees what everyone else has missed

We are at that point in the ministry of Jesus ...

Father Koch: The disciples cannot let go of their internal power struggle

The sin of jealousy that plagued the disciples ...

Father Koch: Are we afraid of what Jesus is asking of us?

A righteous and rich young man ...

Father Koch: God created us in love and for love

Question 6 from The Baltimore Catechism asks:

Father Koch: The journey to Jerusalem is fraught with confusion, danger

There is a subtle geographical movement in ...

Father Koch: Jesus points to the Messianic Promises in gestures, not words

The eschatological imagery found in Isaiah

Father Koch: Jesus points to the Messianic Promises in gestures, not words

The eschatological imagery found in Isaiah

Father Koch: The struggle over how to exercise religion Is ageless

One of the criticisms of the Church that comes ...

Father Koch: Why do some disciples of Jesus choose to walk away?

The dialogue between Jesus and the crowd that followed him ...

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