No flower goes unseen

It was an old electric wringer washing machine.

Michaelmas is special feast for Norbertine priests at California abbey

However you choose to observe Michaelmas, the feast of St. Michael and All Angels..

Father Koch: Jesus warns his disciples to remain humble in service

Jesus continues his criticism of the Pharisees with ...

Seek silence amid noisy world, Pope tells Capuchin sisters

The humility of silence can help Christians sift through the loud and divisive noise...

On being jealous of God’s generosity

I was all right with the long wait and moved patiently ...

Padre Pio showed the world that 'God is real,' Cardinal O'Malley says

St. Pio of Pietrelcina did not boast of his fame or holiness but instead showed that God "chooses the weak to confuse the strong" ...  

Father Koch: Jesus calls us to focus on the least

This dominant theme of mercy continues in ...

Cardinal: Candidates for sainthood must be inspirational models of holiness

 While all Christians are called to live a life of holiness,

U.S. synod report finds participants share common hopes, lingering pain

Catholics across the country continue to feel wounded by ...

How to participate with the Holy Spirit

Sometimes gold flakes surface along the periphery. 

Father Koch: Mercy is a shared human experience

More than the other Gospels, Luke places a strong emphasis on the mercy of God ...

Trust the manna

We're flying by the seat of our pants.

Father Koch: Leading others to conversion is our primary work

One of the often humorous by-products of the internet is the meme. 

Dominican Sisters' COVID-19 art exhibit memorializes pandemic deaths

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the community of Adrian Dominican Sisters ...

‘Grace like rain pours down on me’

Fifty-five years ago, Paul sat in a child-packed classroom and ...

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