Msgr. Brady known for building parish around Eucharist

Celebrating a half-century of priesthood, Msgr. James J. Brady ...

Father Manning strives to ‘do everything for Jesus Christ’

More than 25 years ago, Father Michael Manning was given a front seat for ...

Father O’Connor’s 50-year journey of ‘holy moments’ continues in retirement

While celebrating the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, Father Michael J. O’Connor...

Father Scully focused ministry on youth, law enforcement

Marking 50 years of priestly ministry, Father John Scully has found many ways in which to minister ...

Retirement marks the ‘fulfillment of a mission’ for Father Papalia

When Father Pasquale A. Papalia departed as pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Whiting, ...

Father Kunnath’s priesthood a ‘gift from God’

As Father Thomas Kunnath settles into retirement, he does so with ...

Bringing Christ to youth a ‘fulfilling vocation’ for Father Dunlap

As Father William Dunlap looks back on the 48 years of his priesthood, ...

Sisters in life and vocation are celebrated as they retire together from Diocese

At just two years apart in age, the McDermott sisters ...

Drawing closer to Jesus was aim of seminarians’ retreat week with Bishop

The 13 seminarians of the Diocese of Trenton joined Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M.

Day 3 of Seminarian Retreat

Seminarians of the Diocese continue their weeklong retreat in San Alfonso Retreat House, West End.

Study provides 'detailed snapshot' of state of permanent diaconate in U.S.

The unique role deacons have in the Catholic Church was described in a statement issued June 2 ...

Seminarians annual retreat dedicated to prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., is spending the week of June 6 giving the annual retreat to seminarian

Lasting Legacy: Sisters Rose, Peggy prepare for new opportunities in retirement

Having devoted the most recent decade of their ministry to the Diocese of Trenton, two religious sisters ...

Six new deacons ordained for service in the Diocese of Trenton

For Father Jeffrey Kegley, pastor of St. Mary Parish, Middletown, May 21 wasn’t just a good day for his parish.

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