Federal judge orders Texas to remove anti-migrant buoys from the Rio Grande

A federal judge ordered Texas to remove controversial floating...

Mexico's Supreme Court removes abortion restrictions on a national level

Mexico's Supreme Court has removed abortion restrictions...

Opportunities to donate, witness and pray abound for upcoming Respect Life Month

As October approaches, pro-life ministries around the Diocese of Trenton are planning events ...

Farm Bill provides critical funding for fight against hunger in developing countries

Catholic Relief Services, an official agency of the U.S. bishops, advocates for the vulnerable in developing countries.

U.S. bishops' delegation sees hard realities, pastoral needs of farmworkers

"The Church doesn't have a mission; the mission has a Church."

Across the nation, aborted children will be remembered and mourned

A coast-to-coast observance this month commemorates the souls of children lost to abortion.

A month for life

October marks the Catholic Church in the United States’ celebration of Respect Life Month ...

U.S. archbishop lays out 'urgent' need for 'radical solidarity' with working families

The chairman of the U.S. bishops' domestic policy committee...

World needs politicians who uphold Catholic social teaching, Pope says

Pope Francis prayed that God would raise up a new generation...

Laudato Si' 2.0: Pope announces new document ahead of 'Season of Creation'

Ahead of the ecumenical celebrations of the World Day of Prayer...

U.S. Ukrainian Catholics mark Ukraine's Independence Day with joy, hope and prayer

Ukrainian Catholics in the U.S. observed Ukraine's Independence ...

Biden: Maui will receive federal help for 'as long as it takes'; Catholics urged to give to relief efforts

As the Hawaii island of Maui struggles to recover from horrific wildfires...

'We are willing to die for the name of Jesus,' persecuted Christians say as world marks day of awareness

On the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence ...

Farm Bill provides critical funding in fight against hunger in developing countries

Catholic Relief Services, an official agency of the U.S. bishops,

Catholics say 1963 march brought change but see more work needed to realize Dr. King's dream

In the summer of 1963, Suzanne Chandler was 16...

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