U.S. Bishops’ religious liberty chair rebukes surging religious hatred in U.S.

After Hamas militants attacked some 22 locations in Israel Oct. 7, killing hundreds....

25 years after International Religious Freedom Act, limits on religion rise worldwide

In the 25 years since the U.S. International Religious Freedom Act became law ...

Amazon cardinal says consumerist cultures must learn from Indigenous

People coming from cultures that promote consumerism over

Water is a precious, finite resource to be protected, shared, Pope says

Water must be safeguarded and managed in a "wise, careful and sustainable way...

At synod prayer service, Pope calls for immigration reform with a heart

Taking to heart the lesson of the parable of the good Samaritan ...

As nations mark World Food Day, Catholic bishop in Ethiopia highlights persistent hunger

On the day the world celebrates efforts to combat hunger and food...

Our call to respond to those suffering in the Holy Land

As is so often the case, our sisters and brothers in need in our own country and throughout the world depend upon our love and generosity, prompted by our Catholic faith...

Understanding Homelessness

Pope Francis commented on worldwide housing issues in his 2015 encyclical, “Laudato Si’” ...

Expansion of border wall to proceed, a move long opposed by U.S. bishops’ leaders

The U.S. government is moving ahead with plans to extend a border wall...

Diocese’s Catholic social service groups strive to assist those in need of affordable housing

The Son of Man, it seems, is not the only one who has no place to lay his head.

Pope, in document on climate crisis, criticizes science 'deniers'

After warning the world against ignoring the cries of ...

Poll: U.S. Catholics' views on climate show no significant 'Laudato Si'' effect years later

Despite Pope Francis' advocacy for caring for creation...

Next papal conclave seems to have begun

In case you didn’t notice, the process of choosing the next pope has begun.

Message in Marseille: Welcoming the 'stranger' is a global mandate

In a visit of under 30 hours to Marseille, France, Pope Francis ...

U.S. bishops' conference, advocacy groups caution against government shutdown

The federal government appears to be heading ...

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