Two tips to learn how to criticize like a Christian

Some years ago, a priest sent me occasional criticism ,,,

Finding food for the soul at the kitchen table

One thing you learn in a family is that everyone has their own way of ...

QUESTION: Does original sin need an update? Is a Crucifix necessary at Mass?

My Catholic grandmother used to say that "original sin" was a sort of stamp all people since ...

The consecration to Mary is worth doing badly

I used to be spiritually allergic to Marian devotion...

What do we do when our heroes let us down?

My wife took Christ off our living room wall the other day...

QUESTION: Reconciling Adam and Eve and evolutionary science

Although we often refer to the Bible as one book...

'A Catholic worldview makes reality so intriguing': Eternity and education

"Teaching students what to think without teaching ...

O Life! O Death! O Mystery!

My friend volunteered in a program called NODA – No One Dies Alone.

Does a prenuptial agreement invalidate a marriage?

A friend is in a relationship where his fiancée won't sign a prenuptial agreement because ...

'Communion': For the life of the world, 'come-unity'

Thinking about Christ's Last Supper evokes many images. The institution of the Eucharist ...

All the 'feelz': How praying the psalms can help us manage our emotions

Like most people of a certain vintage, my mom loves to talk about how the world has changed ...

Finding hope in Easter and the little resurrections of daily life

For me, April has always been the herald of newness, ...

World Poetry Day: Poems as prayer in different form

A friend recently had a volume of poems published ...

Question Corner: Weekly Friday sacrifices: You mean they never went away?

While answering a question about vegetarians and vegans during Lent, you mentioned the requirement for continuing a penance on Fridays, even if not abstaining from meat. Can you explain why? My understanding is that our penance helps us remember Good Friday every week, to draw us closer to our Lord.

Author of Mercy and All Goodness

Every story, poem, and written work has an author.

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