Lessons from the garden are lessons in love

There is nothing my father enjoyed more in the spring than a visit to the local nursery.

On managing conflict while praying for patience

Families are made up of fighters, compromisers, sore losers and problem solvers. Are you a fighter for your rights or a compromiser? A sore loser or a problem solver?

Reading the true spirit of the pope's encyclical

I could feel the concern of the parishioner, my dear friend, who sparred with me on Pope Francis' "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home," his recent encyclical on the environment.

Using technology to humanize precious life

Ultrasound technology was in its early days when my wife and I were having children. Pictures of our babies in utero always looked like Rohrschach blots to me. I couldn't tell top from bottom. 

Apps put prayers, news, ideas in the palm of your hand

My Poppop recently got a sleek, new, blue iPhone 5 — shout out to Deacon Bill Wilson of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square — and he’s learning to navigate with relative ease.

The fragility of trust

Recently, hackers broke into the databases of Ashley Madison, a "dating service" for people intent on cheating on their spouses. They revealed names, street addresses and payment transactions.

A lesson in grace from Jimmy Carter

News in August that President Jimmy Carter's cancer had spread from his liver to his brain brought sadness to many in America and around the world, but his assurance that he will be "at ease with whatever comes" came as no surprise to those who have followed the 39th president …

No school days for working children

It’s that time again when adults take off to celebrate Labor Day, and kids head back to the adventures a new school year.  

Diplomacy: Turning toward peace

An old rabbi once asked his pupils how they could tell when the night had ended and the day had begun. "Could it be," asked one of his students, "when you can see an animal in the distance and tell whether it's a sheep or a dog?" "No," answered the …

Trusting in God's hidden hand

Faith teaches us that divine providence is somehow at work behind the scenes in the day-to-day events of our lives. Ask yourself, How did your parents meet?

Exploring Lessons from Mary

Since Pope Francis spoke of “feminine genius,” I get questions periodically as to what it possibly means. Does it refer to the instincts that women have for people with their intuitive sense of the interior?

Pope Francis and his popularity

Pope Francis' popularity continues to grow as more Americans embrace his message of togetherness, community, inclusion and equality -- a message that transcends partisan politics.

The Pope's ravioli story: questions that unlock wisdom

I’m reading a book that speaks to me as a journalist, Brian Grazer’s 2015 release “A Curious Mind: The Secret To A Bigger Life.” In it, the 64-year-old Emmy-winning movie producer recounts his practice of conducting “curiosity conversations” twice a month for the past three decades to fill up his …

Turning off the noise to listen to God

I sit at the desk in my little home office. A fall sun streams through the window, pouring brilliant light on my plant. If a plant could speak, I know it would tell me how happy it is. 

Catechesis can safeguard the dignity of every human person

Catechetical Sunday, which is observed on the third Sunday in September, is a celebration of catechists and all teachers of the Catholic faith.

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