The value and power of ritual

Today we no longer understand the value and power of ritual. This is more than an individual failing. 

Learning from the 'Legend of the Lamed Vavniks'

One of the things I love about my home is the small library created for me by my husband, a gifted carpenter.  Whitewashed shelves and crown molding wrap around three walls, giving me a lovely place to house my oversized collection of books.

Waiting for a husband, keeping the faith

Arleen Spenceley can’t remember the last time she went on a date. It must’ve been 2014, she says without a trace of panic.

Miracles for saints and sinners

There are many things you should know about miracles. They are frequent occurrences. They happen all over the world. But most important, they happen to saints and sinners when you say humbly: "Thy will be done, dear Lord."

A 'call that didn't go away'

As I reflected on my vocation story to write this article, I recognized that it was a story about a “call” that didn’t go away over time or despite challenges rather the “call” strengthened and grew as I responded along the way.  

The rewards of being nice

Good things happen to nice people. As far as philosophies go, that one must rank near the top. At the very least, it's a philosophy that makes the world a better place. And, for people like Kahlil Calixte, being nice inserts him into stories he'll be talking about for years …

Identifying with the saints

I once surprised a Lutheran minister who was a good friend of mine when I said that I admired Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran theologian martyred in Hitler's Germany, so much that I sometimes prayed for his intercession.

Making something good out of depression

Without warning, depression hit me one day. Then came the panic attacks and mental paralysis. Life suddenly had no meaning. I found myself wanting to go back to sleep, hoping that when I awoke, I would be normal again.

A heartfelt ode to Mary

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that I love Mary. I not only love her, but I obey her. I love her because she is the mother of my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. 

Lessons learned on a late-night journey

When I was in high school, I attended a party at a classmate's house on a military base. Most of my friends were a few years younger, so I volunteered to drive them home. When it was time to leave, the three friends I expected joined me. So did five …

Marriage is a vocation to the service of life

Pope Francis will visit Philadelphia soon for the World Meeting of Families amid much expectation as to what he will have to say. 

A concert with good music and life lessons

I went to a One Direction concert with my niece last week. Many fellow adults winced when I told them. Some said they were "sympathetic," but, truth be told, I had a lot of fun.

Children of both heaven and earth

“Because, my God, though I lack the soul-zeal and the sublime integrity of your saints, I yet have received from you an overwhelming sympathy for all that stirs within the dark mass of matter; because I know myself to be irremediably less a child of heaven and a son of …

The battle of the bulge begins by leaving the couch

For the topic of this column, I'll turn it around: "How often do you stand up? Or walk? Or do something besides sit?"

A spiritual stroll at the cemetery

This summer, my husband and I did something we didn't do when we lived in Alaska -- we took road trips throughout 48 states. And in some of those places we visited cemeteries.

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