Exhaustion meets new beginnings

During these first weeks of the year 2021, I have spent a significant amount of time in conversation with colleagues, students, family and friends. We talk work, life, our children, politics, the pandemic, our woes, our joys and our hopes, among other things.

‘Creative courage’ for the new year

We’ve entered a new year with great hopes for better times, along with a little trepidation.

What is love asking of us now?

Common civility has broken down and brought with it something that effectively illustrates the biblical definition of the “diabolic” 

Father Koch: Recognizing the Lamb of God leads us to evangelize others

Once again we hear John the Baptizer pointing to Jesus, ...

Musings on time as we enter a new year

As I read holiday greetings, I'm struck by how much has changed in our lives since January 2020.

We need grace to succeed in our resolutions

I learned the Act of Contrition in second grade. 

Preparing for the extraordinary in the new year

With the first snow of winter upon us, and the animals in our manger completely covered, ...

Father Koch: What begins at the Jordan River finds its completion on the Cross

Throughout the Advent Season, we drew our focus to John the Baptizer pointing us to Jesus ...

Dorothy Day, a model of charity and justice

We recently marked the 40th anniversary of the death of Dorothy Day. 

The one certain truth of 2021

"A baby is God's way of saying the world should go on."

Father Koch: The Magi point us to the Messiah

What compels a team of magi to travel over 1,000 miles ...?

The virtue of positive expectations

Are you fearful about the future? If so, read the first chapters of ...

Intercessors to combat addiction

Another tragic consequence of the pandemic has been the rise in addictions due to the depression and anxiety many are experiencing ...

In hopeful anticipation of 2021

The year of Our Lord 2020 brought a lot of change, to put it mildly.

How generous are we?

Someone I know is a waiter.

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