Faith at Home: The Art of Listening

As a die-hard musical theatre fan, I have many “favorite” songs. 

The Good News about Catholic Marriage

Catholic marriage has a timeless beauty that rings true ...

“You are God and I am not!”

Some weeks when you go to Mass, it can be hard to find a common theme between all the readings...

Frost fair: creating something new in the dead of winter

The latest book by Sam Usher stopped me in my tracks. 

“Headline: Local Prophet Gets Eye Roll”

Have you ever felt like an outsider in a new place? That can be tough. You know what can be worse though? 

A New Hope

Have you ever written a text to that really cute guy or girl you were interested in? Then you saw the three dots appear?


My New Year’s Resolution should be to come up with better New Year’s Resolutions.

Learning to trust in God

The 1943 film "The Song of Bernadette" opens with the ...

Faith At Home: From Garland to Garment: Putting on Christ in Baptism

January can be kind of a letdown for some people.

“A Visible Sign of an Invisible Reality”

Have you ever been to a Baptism? Actually, that was a trick question – even if you have no ...

New Year’s resolution: Reignite hope with love

Every Christmas my son and his family drive from North Carolina to spend Christmas ...

Father Koch: Baptism transforms us, but we must allow it to take root

As the Feast of the Baptism ends the Christmas Season, it brings with it ...

Resolutions for today

I think New Year’s resolutions are silly.

Living in ambiguity

My husband and I are in the process of moving ...

Father Koch: Epiphany helps us to discover God in our lives

From time immemorial, God clearly addressed his desire to walk with us. 

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